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How to deal with little sisters

deal with little sisters

Little sisters are sometimes annoying and sometimes very sweet. You would like to cuddle them and show your love but sometimes they irritate you very much. Dealing with them is difficult and you need to make use of some simple tips for that.

Avoid her

When your little sister is annoying you and not letting you do your tasks, you can simply avoid her. Do not get into a fight with her as you would not know when she removes her most strong weapon of crying and get the sympathy of your parents. Instead stay away and do not interfere in her business. Avoid her completely and do not react. This will tire her out and make her go away on her own.

Give her what she wants sometimes

Little sisters always want some things which belong to you and which she does not have. It can be an old toy or a drawing book. Give her the stuff sometimes to keep her from troubling you. If it’s an old toy, give it to her to play and set rules that you want it back in good condition in a stipulated time. If you cannot give your toy or book, ask your parents to buy her the same thing which she can keep for herself.

Speak to your parents if the matter gets worse

Even after you have spoken to your little sister and avoided her or even given her what she wants, she does not stop annoying you, then speak to your parents. Tell them how she has been irritating you and how it is disturbing you. They would tackle the situation better and would know how to deal with her in a proper way. There is no use fighting with her as she is younger than you and would not understand your logic.

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