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How to deal with inferiority complex

deal with inferiority complex

It is very necessary to find out the main cause of inferiority complex in you before thinking of its remedy. The complex may be the result of some bad experiences in your childhood days like having faced rejection or being called names like idiot or dumb. Mostly these experiences stay in the unconscious mind. Here’s how to deal with inferiority complex.

Avoid negative self talk

Many a times we use phrases like, “She will never accept my love because I am not very handsome” or “I want to leave this party because I feel so out of place because of my appearance.” If you have started using sentences like these frequently, its time to realize that you have started inculcating negative feeling about yourself and it is highly advisable to avoid these phrases. Start discovering your positives and work on it to make it an asset.

Don’t carry blame for others’ ignorance

Its very necessary that you keep reminding yourself that you in no way prove to be stupid just because some ignorant person called you so in childhood. In the same way do not feel worthless just because your teacher called you so. In childhood you might have heard things for yourself that should not affect your personality in any way because as a child you knew nothing about the world but in the present you can very well analyze the situation.

Build your self-confidence

Building your self confidence is the best way to deal with inferiority complex. If looked at it keenly self confidence and inferiority complex are complete opposites and acquiring self confidence means that you have already gotten rid of your negative self belief. Building your self confidence will make you feel worthwhile. Trust your abilities because once you are able to convince yourself of your skill-set, it will become pretty tough for the outside world to deter you from your belief.

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