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How to deal with difficult in-laws


Many girls have a difficulty in adjusting with their in-laws due to several reasons. No matter how much you love your husband, building a good relationship with your in-laws is entirely a different matter and you need to work upon it. Here are some tips to help you to deal with your difficult in-laws.

Make a note of the problems

The unpredictable behavior of your in-laws can be due to several reasons. Do not simply keep blaming them for their rudeness. In order to start a good relationship with your in-laws, you first need to know their problems. Make a note of all the problems they have and see what you can do about them. Once you realize where the problem lies, it will be easier for you to deal with them. Let your in-laws know about what you think about their problems and how you would like to solve them. Once your in-laws realize that you are working hard to build a good relationship with them, their behavior toward you will definitely change.

Discuss the problem

Better communication is an effective way of solving relationship problems. Running away from a situation will not sort out your battle. So, if you have difficult in-laws, accept the fact and face it. Talk to them about their behavior toward you and ask them what you can do to change their attitude. Tell them about your likes and dislikes and let them know how you plan to do certain things. The moment your in-laws know you well and are comfortable talking to you, your relationship with them will certainly strengthen. Both of you can then live together happily.

Be honest to yourself

Stay true to your identity in order to remain happy. Be honest and make your boundaries clear. Nobody can force you to do things that you do not agree upon. Therefore, if your in-laws insist upon something which you feel is impossible, tell them firmly. Do not be rude but remain strict. This will give them an idea about your intentions and help you to remain under safe boundaries. A nice, emotional and sugar-coated image will not help. On contrary, it can increase their demands and lead you to further problems.

Take part in family activities

It is very important to know about your new family. Therefore, start attending all the family functions. Talk to all the members and get to know them. This will also make your in-laws realize that you are interested in their family and want to be a part of it. By meeting different people of the family, you would also get to know more about the behavior of your in-laws and the reason behind it. This will help you to deal with them in a better way. It might also be possible that gradually the distance in your relationship decreases and both of you start liking one another.

Ask your spouse for help

If you are not able to handle the situation alone, let your spouse help you. Your spouse might know his parents better than you and he can be in a position to explain their behavior in a better way. So, let your spouse know how his parents behave with you. If possible, ask him to talk to them and sort out the problem. He can perhaps do it better than you. However, do not ever complain about his parents or say something that can hurt. After all, they are his parents and he is emotionally attached to them. Be normal and polite. Do not spoil your relation with your spouse over matters related to family and in-laws.

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