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How to deal with a bossy wife


Do you have a bossy and interfering wife? Does her overbearing behavior traumatize your life incessantly? We know that womenfolk are great at managing stuff. But some of them go as far as delegating, managing and manipulating their husband’s lives. Hence, here are few tips to deal with a bossy wife.

Express your sentiments

You have to put across your point of view in a very tactful manner. Acknowledge her intention to be supportive in a respectful manner. But, be forthright and let her know in advance that you do not require more advice and you are definitely not looking for criticism however constructive it might be. This will definitely assist in setting up a better relationship with her. Begin with small hints and then become firm if you are unsuccessful. Start off with sentences like, “I presume, we see it differently” or “there is more than one way to carry out something”. Lines like these in a roundabout way tell the bossy wife to give some space to her hubby.

Do not ignore or start fuming

Your wife may consistently try to point out that she is smarter and sharper than you. Sometimes she may not put across these emotions in an up front way. As a husband, you have to be patient and refuse to give in to anger. There is no need to behave as if you have been snubbed and fall back into a squabble. You have to elucidate her purpose and convey about how she comes across to you actually. Take the help of informal conversation, but be clear about how you feel. If you neglect your wife and withdraw from her or if you become extremely offensive and try to control back, things will worsen. Be smart and tackle the situation carefully. Sometimes walking away is the best alternative. This might only give you a transitory closure, but it can definitely prevent things from degenerating.

Reclaim your life

It is vital to scrutinize every part of your life carefully. Little things like your children’s activities, holidays, and your private time have to be taken into consideration. Is there any particular thing that you customarily wish for and you are being deprived of? It is high time you salvage your old life back. If you feel that there are certain things which you are sacrificing for family accord, it is time you reclaim these things back. This will undo your dormancy and build a wife free atmosphere. You have to experience your old self in order to bring a remarkable change in your married life. There is nothing as great as feeling happy and seeking joy in all things you do. Your wife has to know that her bossy behavior will not take away your life from you.

Seek professional help

If you feel you are incapable of resolving or even tolerating your condition, it is time for you to seek professional help. Bear in mind, this has to be one of the last resorts, when you feel things are going from bad to worse. Then there is an urgent need for some qualified help who can assist in making things better between the two of you. Your ultimate goal is to improve your marital relations and for this you can take professional help if necessary. This cannot be based on your opinion only because it directly involves your wife too. Discuss it out with her and let this be a unanimous decision between the two of you. You have to explain all the pros and cons very gently to her so that she does not feel insulted. If she is rubbed the wrong way, you might have some more trouble in your already troubled paradise.

Consider alternatives

If you are always being controlled by an overbearing and bossy wife who refuses to change, it is time for you to consider the option of leaving. This is a very important decision for you to make. It involves you and your partner’s life. So, it has to be the last alternative. Get away only if you feel too claustrophobic and have to do this for the sake of your well being. You cannot always suffer in silence and let them control your life. It is time you get out of the torture box and lead a free and happy life.

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