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How to deal with annoying brothers


Brothers are generally more annoying towards their sisters, though they can be equally annoying if you are a boy as well. There is nothing worse than having a brother who annoys you all the time and makes your life nothing less than hell. Here are some ways to deal with annoying brothers irrespective of whether you are a boy or a girl.

Stop over reacting

Most boys thrive when you tend to over react. When you are annoyed, over reacting is exactly what you would do. You would yell at him, cry, curse and say countless other unspeakable things to him which will make him rejoice at your distress. And annoying brothers always seem to know the right time when to annoy you. You might be just racing to complete your important project or studying hard for the exams when they are sure to annoy you and test your patience. Stop over reacting! Just deal with the matter with a diabolic stare or with a single and powerful voice asking him to stop the nonsense. Continue with what you are doing and do not bother about what else he does. This will bore him and he will soon be gone his way.

Try to involve them in your activities

Most brothers get annoyed when you refuse to involve them in what you do. He could be a younger brother who you cannot relate to and this could be just the reason that he wants to annoy you and make your life hell. Try involving him in small activities that you think will help him connect with you and do not always remain antagonistic and unapproachable which will enhance his anger more, rather help him connect with you. Involving him in whatever activity you can will help him abandon his annoying habits and once they know that you are not as bad and unapproachable as they assumed you to be, the annoying habits will die a natural death and soon you will see a lovable brother by your side, ever willing to help you and get involved with whatever work you allow him to be a part of.

Ignore them

Though this may not be the best way to deal with annoying brothers, sometimes this is the only way by which you can shake them off. You might need lots of patience to keep ignoring this fellow who could be shouting at the top of his voice or doing every possible gimmick to get you to react. If you have nerves of steel, then keep ignoring him until he gets really bored with your indifference and finally, before you know, he will vanish from the scene. Continue this for a couple of days and soon you will see that your annoying brother has found some other interesting pursuit than annoying you and will stay away from your presence as you have managed to irritate him by ignoring his ways to annoy you. Continue this treatment every other day to stop the annoying habit altogether and finally attain some peace of mind.

Stay away from them

If nothing works, the only way is to stay away from your annoying brother as much as you can. Avoid his presence as leave your room locked if he is around so that he cannot annoy you anymore. Do not remain in the house if he is around. Get out and play or visit your friend’s house and be there for as long as you can. If he comes to annoy you, move away from the place and retreat to your room for some time until he forgets about you and gets busy with something else. If you are sleeping, studying or working, find a place where your annoying brother does not find you or trouble you. It may be in the garden or the attic or somewhere else where you are not seen regularly.

Report the matter to parents

If you annoying brother is very troublesome and when nothing works, report the matter to your parents. Kids always get scared when parents are involved. Some stern warnings and punishments from the parents should do the trick in such cases. But you must be ready for more tricks and antics from annoying brothers as they would surely want to take revenge for reporting the matter to the parents. Stay away from them for some time until they forget about the incident so that you do not have to deal with more trouble and annoyance from them.

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