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How to deal with anger management problem


Anger can ruin a person’s personal and professional relationships. It also causes great damage to a person’s physical and mental well being. Therefore, it is extremely important to deal with and manage anger with the help of anger management techniques.

Develop patience and compassion

Developing patience and compassion would help you manage your anger much better. If you learn to be patient then you will be able to keep your temper under control and will not lose your cool that easily. Patience can enable you to deal with annoying or irritating situations better, thus, helping you to maintain distance from anger problem. You must also develop compassion so that you can place yourself in the other person’s shoes and understand his point of view. This would make you rational and would also keep you away from losing your cool.

Do not give shelter to anger inside you

Learn to get rid of any angry feeling. Instead of keeping resentment inside, release the anger. You can achieve this in two ways. The first method of getting rid of negative feelings and anger caused due to them is to simply forgive others. Remembering anything that made you angry or made you feel bad in any way would only make you experience repeated bouts of anger later on too. So, instead of holding on to the incident, forgive and forget the anger causing situation or event. Another way of getting rid of anger is to vent it out. Venting out anger would reduce the chances of another outburst of anger on a later time when you are reminded of the episode that caused anger to you. If you don’t vent out the anger then the negative feelings would stay inside you and the intensity of your anger might actually increase since the negative feelings get accumulated inside you. This can lead to a moment of severe anger later on. Since anger, or any other negative feeling, has a strong energy in it, therefore releasing that energy would be sufficient to release the anger built in you. You can exercise, run, dance, punch a punch bag or just scream at the top of your voice in a safe place to get rid of anger and regain your peace of mind.

Don’t starve yourself of food, sleep and entertainment

One might wonder about the direct relation between food, sleep and anger management. But it’s true that good rest, proper sleep and a proper diet at frequent intervals does help you manage your anger much better. If you are hungry, you are more likely to lose your temper at petty or insignificant matters. Remaining hungry, not taking adequate or balanced diet would cause weakness and lack of energy in you. This would make you irritated easily. The same stands true for sleep and rest. Without proper sleep or rest, a person feels tired and exhausted and is thus more prone to short tempers. Apart from these, do spend time in activities that help you unwind and relax. If a person does not take care of his relaxation or entertainment needs, then soon he would become bored of his routine life. That too would make him feel tired and make him lose his temper or get irritated easily over petty issues.

Adjust your expectations

We often become angry when things don’t occur as per our wish or expectation. We all have certain set standards about every thing and thus a set expectation from everything and everyone. Though, that expectation is not always met with. This difference or disparity between the expected outcome of any event and the actual result of the same situation is often the cause of our anger. Thus, to manage anger, one must learn to adjust his expectations. You must keep yourself and your expectations flexible so that when things do not occur as per your expectations it does not make you angry.

Meditation and other relaxation techniques

Take the help of meditation to keep your mind calm. Meditation is very helpful in taming your mind and keeping it in your control. It helps the mind to relax, pushes stress and tension away, brings clarity in thoughts and makes a person calm. Therefore, it is helpful in controlling and managing anger better. Other than meditation there are certain other relaxation techniques that help a person keep his anger in his control. You can use breathing exercises to restore peace of mind and tranquility, especially during or immediately after an angry moment. These are mostly successful in dealing with anger management problems.

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