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How to deal with anger issues at home

deal with anger issues at home

Anger issues can be frequently observed in homes, giving an unfavorable impression to the blissful atmosphere. According to medical research, the relationship between anger and illness is fast becoming a truism. Here are some tips to deal with anger issues at home.

Keep cool and avoid panic

Uncontrolled anger can be destructive and cause harm to any of the inhabitants, including the person who is angry. It is important to limit angry emotions from not shaping to worse. Keeping cool is essentially important, even if you are at the receiving end.

On sensing panic, try controlling the emotions from being overwhelming. If there are children around, attend to them so that they are not involved in the process. Children should not be yelled at or abused in any other way for expressing anger. They are keen observers and can misinterpret emotions to yield destructively later in life.

Try diverting the topic of discussion (which led to a heated argument) to curb anger emotions. Do not act in haste. Take time to think whether your act can handle the situation or aggravate it. A wrong step can make the matter worse.

Remove the trigger(s) promptly

Act promptly to remove the cause of anger. On removing the trigger, the chances of receiving further damage is limited. There is better scope for controlling the situation and arriving at a solution.

If someone is hurting, he/she should be separated for some time (may be by changing rooms). Intervene if you observe the situation turning to worse, even if forcefully.

Anger can be controlled by manipulate the timing. Opening up Pandora’s Box of troubles to a tired and irritable person can make him/her more irritable and reactionary. Choose right time to discuss an issue or resolve matter comfortably.

Look for possible solutions

Anger does not stick to a defined boundary. Once resolved, it can come again in a new (and may be worse) form. Keep a check so that the provoking incidents are not repeated.

Adopting calming techniques can be helpful, especially to children. Whenever anger strikes take deep breaths, having a glass of water, listening to music, praying, exercising, writing down emotions, counting to ten, etc. can serve some effective tools under compelling situations.

Discuss the issue when at calm. Highlight the negative emotions and their adverse impact in living, both for the person and the close associates. Sometimes, other persons (who are at the receiving end) may fail to realize the reason behind anger. In such a scenario, it becomes essential that the matter is discussed comprehensively to arrive at optimum solutions. Find alternative ways to handle the situation, which seem more acceptable to others in the family. Understanding the angry person’s feelings is also important so that the panic button is not pressed often. Anger may make the person feel helpless and out of control to resolve the issue spontaneously.

Find distraction in activities like cleaning the long pending wardrobe, reading a magazine, cooking a recipe, or any other thing which can be relaxing.Emphasize the positive aspect

Look out for ways in resolving the issue for curbing the anger pangs. Finding optimism in such an overwhelming emotion can be difficult. Try finding a mid way to solve the issue if it is a scuffle between two or more family members.

Use humor to deviate the bad essence which accompanies anger. It can lighten the atmosphere and instill positivity in the inhabitants, allowing the struggle to subside. Laughter can serve the best medicine curing the saddest emotions.

If seems feasible, make way for apology. Forgiveness can be effective in countering negative emotions, particularly in the long run. It can curb even the strongest temptations to anger.

Adopt safe ways to counter anger

Never offset anger with the same emotion. It can aggravate the situation to become uncontrollable very easily. Your motive is to control the situation from taking a worse form. Reaction can come spontaneously to anger, closing doors for resolving the underlying issue. Instead of reacting impulsively, respond in a calm manner. Avoid playing blame games.

A gentle touch or a pat on the back can calm the angry person. Realize that expressing concern as a part of the family is acceptable, but should be communicated in an acceptable manner. It is crucial to adopt a favorable behavior which should not be hurting.

If anger escalates too much, indicating damaging consequences, it is best to terminate conversation and other managing techniques. The anger may not be in a state to reconcile, no matter how forcefully the efforts are put. There should be a check point beyond which encountering anger can be damaging.

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