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A loyal husband who loved his wife dearly

A loyal husband

James could hardly stand straight when he arrived home that night. He was banging on the door until his wife Jennifer opened the door. James was drunk. He got inside his room and threw up. Jennifer cleaned the room. She helped him took off his shoes and put him to sleep.

Young lady and her drunk husband

The following day James got up late. His head was aching badly but something that was even more painful was the thought that now he would have to deal with his wife, Lisa. He didn’t want to get into an argument with Lisa. A few minutes later Lisa came inside the room with a cup of coffee. She did not look angry at all. She kept the coffee on the table and said, “Have your coffee sweetheart. You are already fifteen minutes late for your office. You must hurry up.”

James was surprised as he had never seen Lisa talking to him that nicely and that too the next day after such an incidence. He finished his coffee and got ready for his office. It was a pleasant surprise for him, as Lisa didn’t even mention the incidence when he was having his breakfast.

James came home right on time that evening, as something was troubling him. He could not understand why Lisa was acting strange. He did not have the nerve to ask Lisa. Moreover, he didn’t want to bring up the topic again. However, he went to his son Albert’s room and said, “I have to ask you something if you promise me that it would be our little secret?”


Albert looked at him with surprise and said, “It sure would be our little secret if you allow me to have ice cream after dinner. Just for the records, I don’t have fever now.”

James agreed and said, “You got it. Would you tell me what happened yesterday when I came home? I mean I was drunk and I was banging the door real hard and then…”

“Then mom brought you inside. You were not able to stand properly,” Albert said.

“What happened after that Albert?” James asked as he could hardly wait to get the juicy details.

“You were on your way to your bedroom when you threw up. Mom literally dragged you to your bed and when you said something, “Albert said.

“Said what Albert, remember we had a deal,” James asked him again as he could not wait to know everything.

Alcoholic doesn't want to help wife

“You said, for god’s sake lady leave me alone. I am married and I am a father of a son,” Albert told him.

That moment James realized why Lisa was so nice to him. His wife had uttermost respect for him after the incidence.

The least you can do for your loved ones is that you can stay loyal to them. It makes them feel admired and valuable.

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