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Top Movies: 10 Outstanding Movies Every Man Must Watch

Top Movies: 10 Outstanding Movies Every Man Must Watch

6. The Shawshank Redemption

This movie famously failed when it came out in theaters but right now, its sits at No.1 on IMDBs Top 250 Movies of all time. The movies success is purely down to word of mouth as it had no marketing or publicity of any sort prior to its release in theaters. Tim Robbins plays a banker named Andy who’s sent to Shawshank Prison on a murder charge. During his life imprisonment, he becomes friends with Red, played by Morgan Freeman. Andy’s quiet exterior hides his motives, and the movie teaches us the importance of patience and resilience, two characteristics that eventually work in Andy’s favor.

Best line: Red: “Andy Dufresne – who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side”

7. Saving Private Ryan

Steven Spielberg’s epic war movie Saving Private Ryan tells the story of the Normandy invasions of World War II and it has one of the most incredible 15 minutes of any movie. Worth getting a brand new surround sound system and a top of the range TV for, the movie tells the story of Private Ryan, played by Matt Damon, who loses three of his brothers in battle and a group of soldiers lead by Tom Hanks, who go on a desperate rescue mission to return him safe to his family. Brilliantly acted and with war scenes that make you feel a part of the action, this movie is a real story of courage and brotherhood.

8. Fight Club

Starring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt, Fight Club is a story of a man going through the day to day numb to the world, and how he starts an underground anarchist group with the help of a man he meets on a plane, Tyler Durden. Together they find a way to get away from the mundane by fighting. They fight each other and soon, others begin to join them. Based on a novel by Chuck Palahniuk, this movie is a warning of the decay of society told with the help of great humor and graphic violence. It’s a movie you have to see again and again, just to get the parts of it that you missed.

9. The Matrix

There is a reason that the entire Trilogy isn’t on the list. The Matrix stood on its own for a number of years, and as a single movie, blew away anything that had ever come close to it. With breakthroughs in technology and cinematography, the Wachowskis created one of the best sci fi/action movies of the 90’s. A movie that could be enjoyed purely for its action scenes, also had many social and philosophical commentaries. This movie will satisfy sci-fi, kung fu, action, and adventure fans alike.

10. The Dark Knight

The follow up to Batman Begins, The Dark Knight is arguably the best of Christopher Nolans Batman trilogy, largely due to the late Heath Ledgers Oscar winning performance as The Joker, who pushes Gotham City to the brink of total chaos.  With compelling writing, stunning visuals and exceptional realism, The Dark Knight is a superb modern day super hero movie.

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