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Five most beautiful airport landings

Five most beautiful airport landings

Bird’s eye views are the best and in order to experience that you need to be in a flight and on top one of the most scenic destinations that have an equally fantastic airport landing environment.  With the help of pilots and flight attendants who frequent different destinations, here is a compilation of the five most beautiful airport landings that one can see by simply looking outside your aircraft window.


1.      Princess Juliana International Airport, Philipsburg, St. Maarten
As you hit the Princess Juliana International Airport, you come across some scenic imagery of the gorgeous Simpson Bay Lagoon that overlooks St. Maarten.  This airport landing is indeed the most photographed in the world and also quite renowned for its element of risk as the runway commences on a peninsula that is just a couple of hundred feet away from the St. Maarten’s shore.

2.         Mammoth Lakes, California
The other fabulous landing is that of the Mammoth that looks like a storm with the Sierras to the west side.  This combination of mountain rock, snow and dark clouds is indeed a unique experience when arrive at the Mammoth Yosemite Airport.

3.         Hong Kong
This urban jungle has a wow element, as the plane seems to be travelling in slow mode across the South China Sea with Hong Kong in the distance as an island covered with skyscrapers.  In fact the skyscrapers are so close together that it is tough to determine how many there are with the neon lights and smog.

4.      Queenstown, New Zealand
Landing at the Queenstown Airport in New Zealand gives an amazing view of the Remarkable mountain range.  These majestic mountains look doubly elegant when they are reflected in the calm Lake Wakatipu.  This almost gives it a surreal ‘Lord of the Rings’ kind of imagery!

5.       Jackson, Wyoming

Jackson Hole Airport is very scenic as the landing is done in the snowy peaks during the winters, in the green and yellow dotted meadows during the summers.  It also gives a clear view of the Snake River as well as of the mountains and valley.


There are many airport landings that are extremely beautiful and scenic, however these have been given a place in the top ten.  A surreal landing is a moment of great pleasure for both the passengers and the crewmembers and it increases the excitement of the journey manifold.

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