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Kids do have strange ways to get thing done


Julia and Erica were close friends. They would sit together with each other in the class and talk over phone for hours. Both girls would observe their mothers very closely and imitate them as most of the kids do.

close friends

One day when Julia was helping her mother in making dinner, she just thought of something and said, “Mom, are you dating someone?’

Her mom looked at her with surprise. She had a good look at her and said,”No, honey. What gave you that idea?”

“Nothing, It’s just that I want to know every little thing about you,” she said as she handed over the bowl to her mother.

“What am I going to get on my birthday?” Julia asked her mother.

“What do you want to have on your birthday, sweetheart?” her mother said as she gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to have a video game since Erica had it and she doesn’t even like it any more,” Julia said.


They had their dinner and watched TV for a while. The next day Julia and her mother went to the store to buy the grocery.

The moment they got into the store Julia saw a grey hair on her mother’s head and asked, “What’s your age mom?”

“Oh my goodness, you don’t ask a woman her age,” her mother said.

“And why is that mom,” Julia asked.

“I don’t know, you just don’t ask that, all right,” mother said.

It was hard to put off Julia and her mother knew that.

When they came out the store Julia asked her mom, “How much do you weigh, mom?

“No, that’s another question you don’t ask a woman,” mother answered.

“Mom, sometimes I wonder why you and dad got divorced. It would have been great if all of us could be together again. Why did you guys get divorced?” Julia said as she got into the car.

“Now, that is something that I really don’t want to talk about. Julia, sometimes you really try to get into my head,” her mother said, as she didn’t want to recall the painful memories.

The next day Julia told her friend Erica about it. Quite interestingly, Erica had an answer to every question. She said, “Always follow certain rules in life. Rule number one, never ask elders about their secrets and rule number two always follow the rule number one.”

“You only need to sneak a peek into your mom’s driving license to get an answer to your questions,” Erica explained.

Julia somehow managed to get her mother’s driving license and got all the information.

A few days later when Julia was helping her mother in the kitchen, she told her, “Mom, I know your age. You are 34 and you weigh 130 pounds.”


Her mother looked at her with surprise and asked, “And what else did you get to know.”

“Ah, you and dad got divorced since you got an F in sex,” Julia said as she left the room.

Her mother thought for while to understand what Julia has just said and when she got her point she had a big smile on her face.

Kids are sometimes difficult to understand. They live in their own world and always make efforts to learn the way of grownups around them.

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