Wellness Lifestyle By DR PREM JAGYASI
Here is a brief video from my workation where I managed to record some understanding about wellness lifestyle. Here I discuss how simple motivation doesn’t work, also why we shouldn’t accept success at the cost of our wellbeing. In this lifestyle wellness video, I talk about how slowing down actually and eventually leads you to holistic wellness. Helping you live a life with joy, purpose, and eternal joy. We view wellness in bits and pieces- good health, appearance, good food, or a roaring career. These reflect only a few pillars of wellness.
You will be surprised to find how this unhealthy rush in life has been influenced by the fast-changing socio-economic scenario. Faster is not always better, it doesn’t take you anywhere. Slowing down helps to lead better and achieve success faster.
‘Slowing down’ is not a luxury or privilege but a mandatory requirement to achieve success. You cannot always keep yourself away from overwhelming situations but achieving success become smoother if you can balance between fast-paced life and slowness. Most of us spend hours sitting in front of a screen that loads with information. Knowledge is bliss, but what kind of knowledge are we really absorbing? There is a big difference in being knowledgeable and what real knowledge is all about. The minute we understand this difference, our lives will actually rewind back to how things were when our parents and grandparents were kids.