When you feel out of sorts for reasons that you can’t understand, spend some time with your inner self to analyze and locate the areas where you are wasting at“ or draining at“ your energies.
A Quote by Dr Pre Jagyasi
Most of us tend to lose ourselves for reasons. If we are sad or not feeling well, we try to discover among the immediate happenings regarding what might have caused this change. But this is not always the case. The things that usually bother us the most are hidden much deeper within our consciousness. It is only after deep reflection and meditation that we would reach these deep recesses of our consciousness. Once you have achieved that, you don’t even have to do the healing. Once you have become conscious of the problem, the healing would happen immediately. The holes in your boats would plugin themselves and no one would be able to drain your energy through them.
Quotes; “When you feel out of sorts for reasons that you can’t understand, spend some time with your inner self to analyze and locate the areas where you are wasting at“ or draining at“ your energies.” – Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi