Having a better knowledge of yourself should make you more tolerant and understanding. You should learn to communicate in such a way that your values never come into conflict with those of the people around you.
A Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi
Real knowledge of the self doesn’t make you proud, aggressive, and argumentative. Instead of that, it makes you modest, humble, and very understanding of others. We learn that all the people are just like us, and are very easily molded by their surroundings. Rather than berating them for it, we should try our best to understand them. Moreover, we should also make sure that no matter what we are doing, our values don’t end up colliding with those of the people around us. Even if the values we are contradictory, we should try our best to accommodate and to accept the other people the way they are.
Quotes; “Having a better knowledge of yourself should make you more tolerant and understanding. You should learn to communicate in such a way that your values never come into conflict with those of the people around you.” – Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi