Always look at all the award not so much as a symbol of your personal success, but as a reminder of the responsibility that you have towards the world, you live in.
A Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi
Reward not just symbolizes personal success, it also shows that the things that we are doing for our business or our society, it is recognizing it, and wants us to do more. This also brings a great lot of recognition with itself. If we have won a significant award, whatever that we do in the future would be taken seriously, no matter it is our posts on social media or the works of art that we create. So, if we want to make a positive change in the world, we should recognize the responsibility that comes along with the awards, and then we should do our level best to fulfill it.
Quotes; “Always look at all the award not so much as a symbol of your personal success, but as a reminder of the responsibility that you have towards the world, you live in.” – Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi