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How to deal with toddler tantrums

How to deal with toddler tantrums

Most parents have to go through toddler tantrums which is often a cause of embarrassment in public. Though, you can save yourself from such embarrassment if you know how to deal with toddler tantrums the right way. Here are some tips on how to deal with toddler tantrums.

Attend to your child’s needs

Often tantrums are a result of some urgent or basic need of your child or due to any kind of discomfort. A child may throw a tantrum just to draw your attention to his needs which need immediate fulfillment. Your child may be hungry, sleepy, tired or may be troubled by any kind of physical pain. In such case, the only way to deal with the tantrum is to attend to his needs immediately. Treat the matter with utmost urgency and fulfill your child’s requirements. As soon as the child feels comfortable, his tantrums will cease too.

Comfort your child

Tantrums might be a result of some emotional difficulty of your child. Young kids do not know how to deal with or control their emotions. They often fail to react in the right manner in some particular situations. During any such emotionally difficult time your child may resort to a tantrum. The child might be scared, too excited, bored or stressed due to certain reason. He may also feel lonely, ignored or insecure. But since young kids are not particularly good at expressing themselves in words, tantrums or a sudden difficult behavior may become the obvious choice for the child to express himself or deal with the emotional difficulty he is facing. During such times it is extremely important for the parents of the child to comfort the child. You must learn to decipher the subtle hints that the child gives off during or prior to the tantrums and comfort him accordingly. If the child feels safe, secured and loved, then his behavior would turn back to normal and easy for you to handle.

Treat your child with respect

Just because your child is a toddler doesn’t mean that any behavior is equally fine with him. You need to treat him with sufficient respect. At the same time, create simple and straight guidelines for your child so that he knows which is an acceptable behavior and which is not. When your child shows any tantrum signs due to some unacceptable reason, you just need to remind him his guidelines. Your child may just want to pressurize you into fulfilling his desire and may through a tantrum for it. Or, he might just want to gain your attention by such behavior. Reminding him of the set guidelines would make him realize that his behavior is wrong and he would mend his ways. Under no circumstance should you behave such with your child that it hurts the sentiments of the little one, whether in public or in private. If that happens, the tantrum span and intensity is bound to increase instead of ceasing.

Give your child options instead of forcing him to accept your decision

Try to be respectful of your toddler’s choices and never force him to accept your choices. Or else it would certainly give you a difficult time and trigger an immediate tantrum in your child. If he wants to choose something particular and his choice is acceptable then allow it. If it is not, then give him options that he can choose from. It might be a dress that he wants to wear on a particular day or food that he wants to eat, etc. He must not feel that he or his decisions and choices are being ignored and you are pushing him or forcing him to accept otherwise. If he feels that his choices and decisions are important and accepted, he would not only keep away from tantrums but also feel important and happy.

Create bonding to understand his needs

Try to spend more time with your child so that you understand his needs, cravings, feelings and emotions better. This would place you in a better position to understand the reason for his tantrum and you would know how exactly to treat your child so as to stop the difficult behavior. A better bonding with your child would also enable you to understand just when your child may throw a tantrum and you can take measures to stop the tantrum from occurring. Give your child enough attention and time so that he does not need to resort to tantrums to get your attention and feels important and loved. Whereas, knowing your child better would make you aware of his needs and requirements which you can take care on time so that you do not have to face any difficult behavior due to it. Make your child feel loved, cared and secured, understand his needs and feelings and you may not have to face any difficult behavior from your toddler again.

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