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deal with the terrible twos

How to deal with the terrible twos

A child undergoes many stages of development – physical, emotional and mental. ‘Terrible Twos’ is a stage when toddlers display increased need to be independent. This includes making both rational and unreasonable choices. Here are some ways to de

deal with a temper tantrum

How to deal with a temper tantrum

Core factor behind temper tantrum is to seek attention. However the interesting fact is that the person performing temper tantrum usually is not aware of what exactly he or she wants. The basic rule thus is in being calm and offering adequate attention to

How to deal with temper tantrums

Temper tantrums are bouts of uncharacteristic emotional and physical behavior, that are commonly seen in children and toddlers and children below 14 years of age. Temper tantrums involve unruly behavior such as screaming, throwing things, rolling on the f

How to deal with toddler tantrums

How to deal with toddler tantrums

Most parents have to go through toddler tantrums which is often a cause of embarrassment in public. Though, you can save yourself from such embarrassment if you know how to deal with toddler tantrums the right way. Here are some tips on how to deal with t


How to deal with children

With so many conflicting advice about dealing with children, parents and caregivers are often bewildered by knowing whether what they are doing is right or wrong. The best policy to adopt for grooming children is to correct them when they are wrong and en

deal with Child tantrums

How to deal with Child tantrums

Toddlers can be very moody and demanding. Tantrum throwing and a toddler’s outburst is natural for her/his growth. But at times, dealing with toddler tantrum can be very difficult. Check out these solutions to effectively deal with toddler tantrum.

Dealing with toddlers requires a lot of patience

How to deal with toddlers

Dealing with toddlers requires a lot of patience, imagination and skill because you may have to handle tantrums, curiosity, stubbornness and bad behavior. Check out these ways to deal with your toddler.

How to deal with a 3 year old

How to deal with a 3 year old

Your view of the world is skewed to that of your child’s. While your 3 year old always wants to push the boundaries and explore new things, you have your own set of rules which may not be flexible enough. Here are some steps which will help you in deali

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