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How to deal with a woman

How to deal with a woman

Women are a part of our everyday life and we cannot even imagine our lives without them. Listed below are some steps that will help you in dealing with women.

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How to deal with difficult family members

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Partners who cheat can cause a lot of mental agony and friction and can spoil the relationship as well. Even if it is the man or the woman who cheats, the rules to deal with it are generally same, though women tend to be more forgiving towards cheating ma

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Constant complainers can drain your energy. They are always negative and point out only the negative things in life and it takes a lot of patience to deal with such people who ruin your entire day. Complainers can be dealt with effectively with some tact

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How to deal with rejection from a guy

Everyone at some point in their life faces heartbreak, but we should be strong enough to bare them and not loose confidence in oneself. Here are some way to handle rejection.

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