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How to deal with blood pressure

It is seen that many people suffer from high blood pressure, usually as they age but other factors like stress, being overweight, poor diet also contribute to this problem. However, it is possible to control your blood pressure by adopting some lifestyl

How to deal with a nose bleed

Bleeding from the nose commonly occurs due to the damage of tiny blood vessels that line the inner side of the nose. Most nose bleeds are harmless, can occur due to excessive sneezing, blowing or drying of the nose. Blood can ooze out from one or both the

How to deal with strep throat

Strep throat is a kind of throat infection and is caused by Group A Streptococcus bacteria. It is most common in children and adolescents, but it can affect people of all ages. Symptoms usually begin suddenly, and can include fever, sore throat, headache

How to deal with a stroke

Stroke, also called ‘brain attack’ is a condition caused when the blood supply to the brain is compromised. When the blood supply to the brain is decreased, it results in nutrition and oxygen depletion to the brain and therefore causes death of the brain

How to deal with sciatica

Sciatica is a common problem that affects thousands of people around the world. Sciatica is characterized by a sensation of pain in the lower back and all along the posterior aspect of the leg. It is triggered by medical problems related to the sciatic

How to deal with getting older

‘Aging gracefully’ is a beautiful idea that everyone wants to implement, but the difficulty of putting it into practice is realized only when they grow older. Maintaining your sense of purpose and your zest for life is the best to way to deal with get

How to deal with Asperger’s Syndrome

Pervasive development refers to skills necessary to communicate, socialize and use and enhance one’s ideas and imagination. There exists a lag or delay in the development of these basic skills in the case of pervasive disorders. One such common disorder


How to deal with diabetes

Diabetes is not a single disease, but is more accurately described as a group of diseases in which high levels of blood glucose results from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Have a look at some points how we can deal with diabetes.

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