How to deal with diabetes


Diabetes is not a single disease, but is more accurately described as a group of diseases in which high levels of blood glucose results from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Have a look at some points how we can deal with diabetes.

Keep your blood sugar under control

Many diabetics check blood sugar level every day to make sure it is in the normal range. If not every day, a periodic assessment is necessary. There is a reliable method of getting an average blood sugar level of the previous 3 months. This is done by getting a blood test called glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb A1c) done. It should be less than 7% in known diabetics who are well controlled.
By exercising often and eating a healthy diet, many people with Type 2 diabetes (the kind you’re not born with) can keep their blood sugar level nearly normal. Some may have to take medicines.

Lower your cholesterol level

Cholesterol is present in fats and oils of animal origin, but it is not a fat. It is a part of many important body substances (like hormones) and body structures (including brain and nerves). But too much bad cholesterol (LDL) in your blood can clog your arteries.
1. Eat a heart healthy diet (4 to 5 servings of fruits and leafy vegetables daily).
2. Avoid high-fat diet (full cream milk products, excessive red meat etc).
3.Take regular intake of almonds and nuts (6 to 8 per day).

If diet alone doesn’t help, there are medicines, for which you can consult a doctor.

Quit smoking

Smoking is really bad for diabetics because it damages the blood vessels. It doubles your risk of heart disease. Worse, if you keep smoking while you try to lose extra weight, you won’t make any headway.
How to know whether your diabetes treatment is working?
You can keep track of the ABCs of diabetes to make sure your treatment is working. Talk with your health care provider about the best targets for you. A stands for A1C (a test that measures blood glucose control). Have an A1C test at least twice a year. It shows your average blood glucose level over the past 3 months. Talk with your doctor about whether you should check your blood glucose at home and how to do it.

Keep your blood pressure down

You need to check out for your blood pressure and take care of it. Blood pressure should not go beyond control which might prove fatal. Hypertension is dangerous for diabetics. To control your blood pressure, you need to control your diet. You need to loose your weight, reduce sodium content intake, stop alcohol, avoid tobacco, reduce caffeine intake. You need to stay stress free for the same. Go for regular blood pressure check and take medicines if required by the prescription of your physician.

Diet control

To fight with diabetes, you need a proper diet which would help you keep a well balanced sugar, cholesterol and glucose level in your body. You need to take high fiber and low fat food if you are diabetic. Take vegetables, fruits and fruit juice to remain healthy. You must not put weight. Take whole brown rice instead of white rice. A diabetic should stick to complex carbohydrates, foods with low glycemic index and avoid food with simple sugars. Diabetes patients should also avoid processed food such as high fat and saturated foods.

Exercise and physical activity

Remaining lazy and sedentary could add to the woes if one is suffering from diabetes. It helps in a typical rise in hypertension and blood cholesterol level. Regular exercise about half an hour a day could do the trick in controlling those factors initiating diabetes. Exercising reduces body weight which is a huge boost in coping with diabetes. You can go for swimming, cycling, walking, dancing for the same.

Keep yourself relaxed

You should be aware enough to take care of this disease. You need to be well prepared to brave the inconvenience caused and you should act responsibly for the same. You must go to the doctor for regular check ups, blood sugar, and urine tests. You should undergo regular feet, skin and eye examinations. Blood pressure needs to be measured in regular intervals to keep a check on diabetes. Blood sugar level should be checked every day to control diabetes. If it goes beyond control, you must visit a doctor. Now a days there are various brands launching Glucometers to measure blood sugar level every day. You need to record of the fluctuation in your blood sugar level so that you can help your doctor in your treatment. You need not bother much about this disease. It is of course fatal if proper care is not taken. But you can control it and lead a healthy life.


Medication is required to control the blood sugar level in human body and check the cholesterol level by taking proper medicines and insulin. You need to follow the prescribed way of lifestyle once you are diabetic. Neglecting physician advice might cost your health dear. You must not change the dose of the medicine or stop taking them even if your blood cholesterol level is under control. You need to take care of kidney diseases, eye diseases and your feet. Insulin is usually created in human pancreas and it helps to circulate the sugar all over the body. If you are suffering from Type I diabetes, insulin is not prepared in the pancreas. You need to take insulin injections in your blood. You need to take insulin in shots as per your physician’s prescription

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