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How to deal with aggression

Aggression is an act of antagonism and is exemplified by complete bodily attacks, throwing bad temper, shouting, and vocal abuse or trying to disgrace another person. Dealing with aggression is not easy for most people. As faced with an act of aggression,

How to deal with angry patients

Being a doctor or a caretaker is not an easy job role to handle, as there is no guarantee as to when can your patient get upset with you over petty issues. Read the tips given below to find out how you can efficiently handle your angry patients.

How to deal with conflicts

Conflicts can arise in your personal or professional life due to various reasons and remain unresolved because of poor communication and wrong attitude. Use these simple tactics mentioned below to deal with conflicts at home or at work.

How to deal with wholesalers

Bargaining, while making personal purchases is easier as compared to dealing with wholesalers. While dealing with a wholesaler, your main motive should be to acquire the best deal, and for this, you should remember the following points.

How to deal with stress at work

The number of people suffering from work related stress is increasing by the day. Stress is not only bad for your health, but also hampers your productivity and efficiency in the long run. Therefore, you need to adopt some strategies that will help you to

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