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How to deal with stubborn kids

deal with stubborn kids

Stubborn children have a mind of their own and tend to do things in their own way. Though it shows their confidence and determination, sometimes it can be very difficult to handle them . Especially, for parents it can pose a big challenge as stubborn children have to be dealt with lot of patience. Let us take a look at some of the ways to deal with such children.

Talk and listen to the kid

Children do have opinions and as parents it is important for you to listen to what they say. When parents listen to their children and treat them like grown ups, kids tend to feel more responsible. This will also make them trust their parents and have open discussions with them. When there is a free exchange of thoughts and trust is build, kids tend to become less adamant. It is important for parents to strike a balance between giving the kid its due respect at the same time being firm with them. This will help the kid understand that you are being strict and firm only when necessary and not always. Never adopt punitive measures as this will only aggravate their stubbornness. Instead treat them like adults and make them understand. Sometimes it is important for you to allow your kids to take decisions on their own to make them understand the consequences.

Set a good example

Stubborn kids are often free spirited and tend to follow what they feel is right. But once they find a role model, it will be much easier to make them understand what is good and what is bad. So it is important as parents for you to set a good example for your child. Avoid using foul language in front of your kid. If you have any issue with your partner avoid fighting in front of your kids. Make sure you follow all good habits and manners especially in front of the kids. Make the kids understand that it is important to respect their elders. Teach them the importance of sharing and having friends around them.


Appreciate the kid

All of us enjoy appreciations and kids are no exceptions. When you praise your child for good behavior or even a small help it will motivate them more. Be very honest with your appreciation give your child a hug, kiss or praise them with words. Avoid bribing or spoiling the kids with toys and chocolates for the good they do. It might do good at times but in the long run it may turn in to a bigger problem. Hurting the child physically or with words will only increase their tantrums.

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