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How to deal with sin

There is nothing wrong or right in this world, it is only the way we perceive it. Before going through the solutions to cope up with the guilt of committing a sin, try to realize this.

Try to define your sin

What according to you is the definition of sin? Is it breaking a certain rule in a certain holy book or is it doing something which is not a part of a set of ideologies? Whatever it may be, it is not as big as you have made it. All the holy books have been written by humans who in that era might not be as rational and scientific as we are now. Ideals and ideologies change from person to person. What might be wrong for you can be right for someone else! A deed cannot be considered as a sin unless and until it does wrong to a living organism. Define your sin based on this and you might realize that the act which you have been considering as a sin was just a superstitious approach.

Speak to your parents or loved ones

If you cannot free yourself from the guilt, try to vent it out in front of your parents or loved ones. They might not be able to comfort you, but speaking it will relieve you. Never keep it to yourself as with time it can make you feel more restless than you are now. Cry, if you want to. Scream, if you want to. But let them be with you while you are going through it.

If necessary, take help of a social body

If your sins are there to stay and you cannot find the solution to how to come out of it, try taking help of a social body. There are lots of NGOs which help people caught up in such situations, to come out of it. They can provide you with all the required assistance. Try them out if you really need.

Test yourself

If you really feel that you have committed a sin, the question arises, how are you going to overcome it? Realize what makes you feel that you are guilty. What is once done is done and cannot be changed but you will get ample opportunities of the same sort where you can react in the way you want to. If you have run away from an accident site without helping the victim once and are living in the guilt of it, try to help anyone else who is in the same situation. Try to avoid the same mistakes that you once have done. This will be the biggest test of your life.

Talk to people in the same condition

It’s an old saying that if you want to relieve yourself from the pain, stay with the ones who have been in it since ages. The same is applicable here too. Find people who are feeling guilty of something bad they had done. Talk to them and share. This will be a two way process. Sharing will help you realize that world doesn’t end with one sin that you or all the others have committed.

Repenting is not a solution, it is just an excuse! Try to become better with every wrong you do by not repeating them again.

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