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All the signs say that you are in the right relationship

10 Ways to have a great relationship to live a great life

Love relationships are one of the most precious happenings in our lives and they give us ultimate happiness provided we are in a good relationship. There is no fixed definition for a good relationship but it is a situation, wherein both the partners have immense love, trust, and respect for each other. Partners love spending great deal of time with each other and they are best friends.

While there are some couples for whom their relationship does not turn out to be as happy as the one above. Initial minor conflicts turn into big fights with time and a happy relationship becomes a sad and a scary relationship. Love turns into repentance and guilt. Therefore, couples need to have a good understanding of signs that predict whether they are in a right relationship or not, so that they can quit at right moment. If you do not have, this understanding then go through these following mentioned signs, which are a vital part of a healthy, good relationship.

Mutual Respect

One of the easiest ways to find the status of a relationship is to consider the respect aspect in it. If there is a mutual respect proportion between a couple then surely, their relation is good and there are high chances for their relationship to last longer or forever. If your partner is disrespectful, does not respect your self esteem then you should never linger on your relationship any further. Similarly, if you cannot respect your partner, it is a sign that your relationship is not a healthy one.

Curiosity to meet each other

A quite prominent sign of a good relationship is the excitement and the curiosity that partners experience to meet other. At the end of one date, you start looking forward to another date because you so much love spending time with each other. In contrast to this, there are relationships in which one of the partners starts taking dates as a liability; it is a sign of a bad relationship.

None expects perfection

Not to expect perfection out of your partner is a very important sign of being in a good relationship. Nobody is perfect, and this is something that both the partners must clearly understand. For a relation to work out well the partners need not to be perfectionists but their behavior and personality should suit each other. Instead of expecting your partner to do everything perfectly, you should learn to appreciate whatever they do no matter how imperfectly.

Perfect blend of freedom and teamwork

Freedom and teamwork is essential to maintain a healthy relationship. Get this thing very straight that you cannot get love and loyalty forcibly. Insecure partners do not give their partner enough of persona space, which brings in a kind of negativity and hatred in a relationship. Whereas, healthy relationships have profound freedom and the partners do not feel trapped.Likewise, teamwork is another feature of a good relationship, as relation is a matter of two people and not just one.

Build each other up and not tear down

Support is the most vital feature required to make a relationship healthy and good. Both the partners must be supportive towards each other. They look into each other’s weaknesses and try to ward them off by their support. Likewise, they try to strengthen the good points in each other, in other words, they try to build up each other and never tear each other down. If your partner always keeps cribbing regarding your weaknesses and never tries to help you come over them, then it is prudent to leave them right away.

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