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How to deal with your roommate

deal with your roommate

Dealing with different kinds of roommates makes you learn the way to deal with different kinds of people in society. Always remain positive and carry on the attitude of adjusting under all kinds of situation. You must consider hurdles of dealing with a roommate as a part of learning and experiencing life. Remember that by attaining good relationship with a tough roommate will enhance your personality and you will be more prepared in terms of handling difficult situations in life.

Roommate from different Culture


It gets very difficult when you get a roommate from a different culture. Since in many cases the lifestyles are different, the mode of adjustment too is subject to vary. In such cases, the best practice is to talk to your roommates and do not sound imposing if you have any issues. It is very necessary to give you roommate his/her comfort zone that would eventually help you in attaining some space for yourself.

Studious and Decent Roommate

In many cases it is always great to have a studious and decent roommate. He/she can be of great help to you to assist you in studies. However, in case you get an eccentric roommate, the atmosphere in your room might feel suffocating. He/she can get on your nerves because of his/her indifferent behavior. For such instances, it is advisable to maintain a distance from your roommate, and do not let the other get the better of you.

Dirty and Messy Roommate

It is quite hard to deal with dirty and messy roommates, as most of them are least bothered to change their habits. In such cases, your continuous attempts to correct your roommate might lead to conflicts between both of you. To deal with such people you need to be a little diplomatic and must make the roommate understand the charm of a hygienic and arranged life. Always try to show that by arranging things and maintaining cleanliness you can always make some better space among your friends and other people. Wearing clean clothes and maintaining personal hygiene can offer better mental status. Never try to call him/her dirty but just show how better it is to remain clean.

Noisy and Aggressive Roommate

Dealing with noisy and aggressive roommate can go hard on you in case you do not fall in aggressive category. It can make you feel being under pressure all the time. In many cases you turn meek and submissive and try to do things to manage with the mood and temperament of the roommate. This will somewhere get you feel being repressed and dominated by him/her. While dealing with such roommates, it is important to maintain a more carefree life. Avoid such situations that can create moments of arguments and conflicts. Ignorance can prove bliss in the most irritating situations as well. Try to think that you are not going to spend all your life with him/her and that your stay is very temporary. Follow a cold yet dignified personality with your roommate so that he/she will think twice before messing up with you.

Roommate from the other Gender

To share room with a person from the other sex is probably the most difficult condition. You always need to maintain your privacy and his/her privacy at the best. Sharing responsibilities can lead to emotional conflicts and attractions. It is very necessary to remain indifferent from such instances and let go of the situations. Always maintain enough space and distance with your roommate to avoid any personal involvement. Never try to take the other person for granted for doing certain duties of the room. You need to be extra cautious and conscious while dealing with a roommate who is from other sex. Be very careful and particular about managing your duties and routine life with him/her. It would be advisable if you be on guard to avoid any kind of uncomfortable situation, as you are solely responsible for your behavior and life, and allowing your roommate to be a part of it is completely at your discretion.

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