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How to deal with rejections in relationships


Human behavior is fraught with unpredictabilities. Therefore, the person you had shared a life or, at least, a relation with might suddenly turn hostile for reasons both fathomable and unfathomable. An unexpected rejection or break up is detrimental to both the physical and mental health of an individual. Here we have given some ways of dealing with rejections in relationships.

Accept the truth

If you really want to get rid of the pain, then stop denying the reality. Here denial stands for refusal to accept the pain or reassuring yourself that you have indeed moved on when, in reality, you have not. The more you run away from the truth, the harder it becomes to confront the emotions. The sentiments keep returning to the fore again and again back with time. Hence, you must admit, at least to yourself, that the relationship is now over and that you have already started working towards recovery. It is absolutely imperative that the sufferer remains honest about the emotions. The point is, no matter how hard you try, the pain will always remain and thinking that you should behave in a certain way will make the healing process appear all the more difficult.

Let the emotions flow

An unexpected rejection is difficult to cope up with. However, keeping the emotions bottled up will make things all the more difficult. Therefore, open up and let those emotions flow. If you want to sulk and cry do not think twice. Slip into a pair of pajamas and sit watching television for days, if that makes you feel better. Harsh as it may sound, yet you need to get the bitterness out of your system. If possible, socialize with your gang and tell them how your new ex has just missed a good catch. In doing so, make sure that you personally believe every word of the things you say. Remind yourself constantly that the person at fault did not deserve you.


Do not indulge in unnecessary anguish

Analyzing the reasons for the break up is very important. While accepting your own fault may not be easy, yet it may prove immensely helpful. Some relations deserve to be saved at any cost. They are worth fighting for. This is where getting a hang of the underlying reasons for the break up becomes important. You certainly don’t want to waste time beating a dead horse. Hence our advice is, let bygones be bygones, and utilize the time fighting for a better future with someone. Once you have finished determining your role in the breakup, the resultant feeling infuses you with greater solace.


Follow your lover’s wishes

If your lover requests to be left alone, then follow his or her wishes. You can never make a relation work forcefully. Try and project yourself as a stronger and better person, no matter what. The person who initiated the break up or rejection will soon recognize your emotional depth and realize that you seriously mean business, even if it concerns the love life. It has to be remembered that winning a lottery is easier than finding true love. A few years down the line your estranged lover is sure to realize the vacuum left by the rejection. While the following process may not appear easy, yet it at least offers some solace in the hour of crisis. It is your personal way of making the person realize what he or she has just lost. You, on the other hand, have better things to look forward to.

Avoid visiting places that remind you of the person

Categorically avoid visiting places with which you have memories attached. The very association will trigger fresh bouts of pain. For instance, if your ex drives a particular car, then you will be forced to associate the vehicle with the person and subsequently with the painful rejection. Ultimately, it arouses memories of the heartbreaking experience, you have been trying so hard to forget. Hence, never put yourself in a situation that can have damaging effects on your psyche.

Get rid of the gifts and presents

Get all the presents, pictures or letters packed in a box to be trashed or put away. Do not ask the person to return the presents you had given him or her. And most importantly, make sure that you are not taking anything away. By doing so, you will be revealing your inner fears of manipulation and insecurity. The person you had loved and cared, with time, will transform into the person he/she was the night before you both met. Hence, there is no point treasuring goodies you had received from a downright stranger. Moreover, their existence will continue to remind you of the harsh experience. Always remember that the idea is to tide over the crisis and not cling to the past.


Re build your self esteem

Instead of nurturing feelings of resentment or insecurity, try and rebuild the self esteem. If possible, exercise hard, educate yourself and be competitive. Never miss a single opportunity to travel or go out. In a nutshell, do everything it takes to discover and unleash a new and more confident you. For countless people around, rejections have been a life changing experience, helping them discover their inner selves. By spending some quality time with yourself, you can judge those shortcomings and limitations better. If thousands of people could do it, there is no reason why you should fail.


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