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How to deal with migraine

A migraine is a very bad headache that tends to come back in spite of your efforts to cure it. The headache may occur as often as several times a week or only once every few years. However, it can last anywhere from a few hours to 3 days. To put a check on its occurrence you need to take following measures.Making lifestyle changes

If it is inherited in your genes to get migraine, you cannot do anything about the inheritance. But you can make changes in your lifestyle to remove or minimize factors that are responsible for migraine. The most important area to tackle is stress. Obviously, that is not something that can be completely eliminated from your life. We are all faced with stress at home, at work, in personal relationships etc. Some of the habits like exercise are a good stress reliever. Relaxation training is also very effective. Sometimes you need to get help from a psychologist or some other expert to acquire these skills, which are most commonly used to fight pain.

Cut foods that cause migraine

Out of all the types of factors that cause migraines, the list of foods is perhaps the longest. In many ways, however, it is also the most easy to handle. First of all, you need to check which foods affect you. Use the headache journal to check out possible relationships between the eating of certain foods and headache. In order for a food to be regarded a migraine trigger, it must be responsible for causing a typical migraine headache within 24 hours of the time it was eaten. It is very important to avoid falsely blaming certain foods for migraine triggers and starting an unneeded limited diet, which may do more harm than good. After checking the foods that may trigger your migraines, the next step should be to make sure that you cut those specific foods from your diet. You can find substitutes for those foods and you should also make it a habit to read the label of a food item and then see if the ingredients of this food item are responsible for your migraine by referring back to the headache journal.

Medications for Managing Migraines

You won’t always be able to prevent a migraine by avoiding migraine triggers. But there is no need to worry. There are the medications available that can help you prevent migraines, to get fewer of them, or manage the pain if it occurs. In fact, there are many different migraine medications available at the drug stores. The medications you take depend on many factors like the time of day or night that the migraine occurs, how bad the migraine is, and any other health problems you may have, such as heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, or pregnancy.

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