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How to deal with teenage depression

Teenage depression is a very common problem of the society. A lot of children suffer with this problem because of lack of knowledge. There are three simple steps which can help you to get rid of this problem.

Be part of society

The worst accelerator of depression is isolation. Isolation and depression are totally interlinked. A depressed person will always feel like avoiding everybody or not doing anything, but these things will only worsen the situation. When you will interact with people you will find yourself feeling better. Try to make yourself a bit social, either you like it or not. Hang out with your friends. Spending more time with family and friends will definitely help you. Also try to limit the usage of drugs, video games or surfing internet. And the biggest thing, stop living alone. If you are living alone in your house, for sometime, start living with any of your friend or with your family.

Healthy body

Our lifestyle and our eating habits effects our mood a lot. Healthy eating habits can do wonders for us. Try to eat maximum of fresh fruits and vegetables. This will strike the balance between vitamins and minerals in our body. You can discuss your diet with a dietitian. The next thing which will help is exercise. Exercises help to ease a lot of depression. When we exercise our body release a chemical called “endorphin” which makes us feel happier. Physical activities work far better than medicines, in case of depression. So try to indulge in some sports, bike riding, swimming. A dance class can also help.

Take help, avoid stress

Stress is the initiator of depression. Talk to your parents or school counselor whenever you feel extra stressed. if your stress is related to some of your personal problems like relationships, pregnancy etc. you can talk to an adult whom you trust. Talk to your friends when you feel low. Stick to your friends in your hard times because in this age friends are the best solutions. Your friends will never ask an explanation for your behavior. They will simply divert your attention from your problem. If you still feel worse, you can take help of a therapist.

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