Your age may restrict you in a job hunt and make things difficult even if you have the experience, and many employers may see you as overqualified or they may assume that you will want a higher pay. Employers will also assume that you may not be able to keep up with a rapidly changing work environment as lack the technical skills. If you are one of those people who are over fifty and re stuck in a job rut, here are some useful tips for you: Look for Appropriate Jobs:
When you apply for jobs that you are obviously overqualified for, you will only be encouraging your employer to believe that you will leave this job for a better one as soon as you get the opportunity. In fact, they may not even see you as relevant for the job. To improve your chances of getting hired, you should apply for jobs that you are just right for in terms of experience and qualifications.
Define you salary Requirements:
Have a clear concept about the average salary that is normally offered at the positions that you are applying for is a good way to help you to stay relevant. and are two websites that can help you to determine the salary that you want. When you narrow down your salary requirements will make the employer feel more at ease about selecting you for the interview rounds. Demonstrate how tech savvy you are:
Familiarize yourself with,, learn how to use a smart phone-getting acquainted with technological mediums used in the workplace will prove that you can adapt and are comfortable with learning new things. You can consider these communication mediums as a way to extend your ability to network; you need to show that you have what it takes to use these tools on the work place.
Show that you are Flexible: One belief in the work place is that older workers are not open to doing things differently, as they would prefer a method that they are used to. Your resume should include details about how you use problem solving, how creative you are and that you are capable of learning new skills. In your interview you should talk about your accomplishments and how you had used or are using modern techniques to solve issues. If you can’t figure out what to add to your resume, you should enroll in classes that will further your career, this effort on your part to improve your self will work to your advantage.