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Entrepreneurs: How To Achieve Your Business Goals In 3 Steps

Entrepreneurs: How To Achieve Your Business Goals In 3 Steps

Entrepreneurship and success in business are topics that have been discussed endlessly and will continue to be. With such a variety of methods and advice, how do we now which ones to believe? Gary Keller is an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year and finalist for Inc. Magazine’s Entrepreneur of the Year, Keller is recognized as one of the most influential leaders in the real estate. He may be someone you want to learn from. His new book, The One Thing, sets out to tell us ‘The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results’. But can success really be that simple?

We’ve set out the main points of the book below and we leave the rest for you to discover for yourself.

Entrepreneurs: How To Achieve Your Business Goals In 3 Steps

1. Everything Doesn’t Matter Equally

If everything matters equally, then we’d have to be good at everything to achieve anything. By thinking that everything matters equally, we dilute our energy and do everything ‘averagely’.

By prioritizing your tasks throughout the day in the order of the ones that help you move closer towards your goal, your day will be more successful and you will spend less time and energy on the things that don’t matter.

“Throughout our day, we have many things that we have to get done but when we stop to think about their relevance to our goal, we realize most of their outcomes don’t matter.”

Garry Keller – How to be an entrepreneur

The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

2. Focus On The One Thing In Each Aspect Of Your Life

When it comes to the most important people and goals in your life, there is one thing that you could be doing that will have more of an impact than the multiple things you are doing.

For example, in your business, you are multitasking and spreading your energy on generating leads from a range of different sources. You make phone calls and emails, you attend seminars and networking events, and you pay for advertising. All of these tasks take up your time. By focusing on one thing and placing all of your attention on it, you can get better and more effective results.

“Being successful requires less discipline than you think. It’s about doing the right thing, not about doing everything right. So if you wish to thrive, prosper and flourish…decide what things you’re not going to do!”

Garry Keller How to be an entrepreneur

The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

3. Don’t Multitask

By realizing that your time is valuable and not being afraid to shut out the things that are distracting you from your goal, you can break through the glass ceiling that you have created for yourself.

“Multi-tasking is merely the opportunity to screw up more than one thing at a time.”

Garry Keller How to be an entrepreneur

The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

How to be an entrepreneur: Focus! Live with Purpose; Live by Priority; Live for Productivity.

For me, the book contained some sound advice on how we should have a sniper like focus on the task at hand, and I often think about it when I feel like I’m working hard but not making much progress. By cutting out the things that don’t help me meet my goals, I’ve become so much more productive in my work and I hope this helps you with that too.

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