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How to deal with a difficult mother

deal with a difficult mother

Are you finding it really hard to have good relations with your mother? Such kind of problems take place due to many reasons like low level of understanding, difference in opinions, due to generation gap or may be even high expectations of a mother from her children. It is not a big problem and can be solved slowly over time.

Create an understanding

It’s a common phenomenon when one person expects something from the other and the other person has his own priorities. There is a conflict rising up between them in such a situation which settles after a disputed discussion. Every mother wants the best for her children. May be she wants her child to excel from another child which she feels to be his nearest competitor. In a social life, many such instances take place in the life of a mother. As a child, this only requires understanding her views and expectations and trying them to reconcile with your own. By understanding this you may see a drastic change in your mother and things would calm down.

Share your feelings

Many children find their friends to be all the more important for them and they may not feel like discussing the problems with their mother. While in the stage of growth, adolescence and teenage are such periods when friends seem to be everything. In such an atmosphere, mother loses her importance. She is actually your best friend, but you need to analyze and find different ways to tackle her. Every mother is intelligent and rather selfish when it comes to kids. She wants them to excel in every field. When you share your feelings or discuss your problems she will give the best possible solutions as parents are the best friends.

Set your boundaries: Respect your mother

Today, many children seem to argue with their mothers or get back to answer them if their mother tries to make them understand an important issue. Children think that they are doing everything right but the truth is that mother often is more experienced and would probably be more correct in her approach. Every child must set his/her boundaries and respect the elders. Epics of all religions do teach the same. People used to worship their mother and abide by her orders in older times. One should always give respect to elders rather than being messed up and get the same respect in return.

Help your mother

Every mum is quite busy in various tasks as she may have to involve herself in different activities, working not only in the home but going to market as well. Due to increasing age, one’s mother might become a bit harsh (as the capacity of doing work decreases due to increase in the age). She expects her children to help in the household tasks but children are quiet defensive when it comes to working or helping. They are the first ones to mess up the things in the house but never want to clean them up. This is a major point to be kept in mind. If you can help your mother in her household chores, she will be very nice to you as she will be relieved of some of the work. She may also start understanding you and listening to your problems when she gets rid of her problems.

Never keep grudges: Let them go off

Many children stick to various issue and don’t understand to what their parents say. They go defensive and are not ready to cope up with easily. They feel that if their parents are ‘doing something’ to them, they will also do the ‘same thing’ or act badly in return. They never understand the reason of their parents’ action perhaps because they do not want to. The most important thing children must learn is that no one is going to help them if their parents are not along. Every other person in the world tries to take an added advantage when children fight with their mother especially the relatives and all others who are jealous of you. People are good at your face but worse at your back. So never let your mother feel deprived of respect, understand her feelings as whatever she does is for your betterment.

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