How to deal with a depressed family member

How to deal with a depressed family member

Helping a depressed family member is the best thing you can do to him. It can make a huge difference in his life and help him to lead a normal life in future. Here’s how to deal with a depressed family member.

Research about the condition

If you are planning to help your depressed family member, it is a good idea to know the exact cause of the condition. The person may or may not be able to tell you everything regarding the condition or what led to the condition. So it is your duty to find out about the situations that lead to the condition. First, do some reading about depression. Find out about the causes, symptoms and various kinds of treatments available for the disorder. The internet is a good place to do your search. There are numerous books too on depression. Read the articles from various sources and understand well about it. If possible, talk to the person, his close friends, relatives and even a medical professional to gather more details.

Get help from outside

Help can come in the form of many things. When you are able to identify the reasons for the depressive behavior, you will be able to take the necessary steps to help him overcome the condition. For example, if the person is feeling lonely, you can try to keep him engaged by giving him a good book for reading or spending some time with him daily. Try to keep him engaged in other interesting things so that his mind gets diverted from his present condition. Sometimes, you can also seek help from a third person, who can provide some kind of help and support in the form of a positive talk or introducing the depressed person to something new and interesting like a hobby etc. Support groups are also beneficial for dealing with depression.

Support the depressed person

The depressed person has a tendency to feel lonely always. This will make his condition worse. So try to avoid such situations by offering him support in every possible way. Try to support him by accompanying him to the therapy sessions or visiting the doctor. Some of them may be very reluctant to visit the medical professional.

You should be in a position to explain to him that you are supporting him and that visiting the doctor is really important. Let him understand that you are trying to help him. At the same time, avoid being too pushy. This can affect him negatively. Providing financial help to the depressed family member is also a big way of supporting him. Other kinds of support you can do is running small errands for his family etc.

Take care of his health

The depressed person may have to deal with a lot of emotional problems. He may not be in a position to take care of his health. If you want to help the depressed person, try to take care of his health. Provide him with healthy and nutritious diet. Try to engage him in some kinds of simple activities like exercises. Exercising daily for at least 30 minutes is beneficial. Walking is one of the best ways to improve his overall condition. You can accompany him on long walks daily in the neighboring areas. He may feel refreshed especially, when he sees new things around and meet many people. Help with other relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation. They help to relieve all the stress associated with depression. You can also help him to identify his skills and interests, and spend time pursuing a hobby.

Medical help

Helping a depressed member is a great way to help him lead a normal life. Always talk positively to the person and help him to cope with his condition. Support him during various occasions and see to it that he is never left alone. If you feel that all your efforts are futile, it is better to seek professional help immediately. There are many professionals who are capable of dealing with such patients. Accompany the person to the doctor’s office. If he is not in a position to explain his condition, you can talk for him and help the doctor to identify his condition. The best thing is that depression can be treated completely. So, talk to the doctor and provide the person with immediate medical help so that his condition can be treated. Help the person to take his medications as directed so that his condition improves quickly.

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