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How to deal with a bitchy girlfriend

How to deal with a bitchy girlfriend

When you are looking for a girl, you go to any extent to impress her and cater her needs. You think you are being nice and are impressing her, but the problem is, right from the outset she knows that you are in her control and she whines about everything. The worst part is that most guys succumb to that mind games with a fear of being rejected. Let us have a look on how things can stay in our control.

Recognize the traits before it is too late

It is better to prevent and prepare than repent and repair. Sometimes you won’t even have the chance to repair. So, you must let your girlfriend know that bad behavior will not be tolerated. This is because once you tolerate her improper behavior, she will take you for granted and it becomes too difficult to change her, as personality can’t be altered that easily. It requires tremendous efforts and skills after you lose the initial edge. Let her know what you expect from that relation. Maintain a good clarity and also giver her reasonable freedom ensuring that certain limits are not crossed.


Learn to say no and use operant conditioning

Yes, have the guts to deny her something she is asking for, if you think she is being unreasonable. It is a belief that, most of the girls are not as smart as boys. Going by that popular belief I guess they need to be told more than once. So, teach them how to behave more than once. It won’t hurt.

Encourage their good behavior and ignore the bad. The idea is not to punish her for something wrong but to keep her under your control. Ignoring the behavior you don’t like will help things up to a certain extent. She can understand and eliminate the unwanted behavioral patterns.

She will start depending on your opinions and then you should be a man and choose what is good for her and what is good for the relation.

Guilt trap

Let them know that you are unhappy with their behavior. Let them know that their behavior is not in resonance with your mind set. Tell them how it will affect your social image.

It is okay to be angry sometimes. Tell her something like “I thought you were a sweet person to befriend. Apparently I was wrong.”

Then leave her alone and get back to your work.

This will make the beautiful lady to feel guilty without losing your dignity. Sometimes she will come and apologize for being a bitch before. After all you had the guts to tell her she is being bitchy. You have the control over her now.

Keep your head cool

When she is yelling at the top of her lungs for some unknown reason, keep your head cool and just giver her sarcastic answers with a smile on your lips. It will help you deal with her. If you react, it will only worsen the situation.

If she tells you that you are not taking proper care of her, ask her to define what is care. When she is yelling at the breakfast table over some thing, just thank her for the breakfast and let her know that you would be late for the dinner before leaving.


Please her and be romantic, if it doesn’t work, dump her!

Buy her some flowers. When she is upset, take her to some candle light dinners and have a good romantic chat. Once in a while give her what she wants and soothe her. However, this should be done to a certain extent. If she keeps on bragging and nagging about stuff beyond your reach, I would say it is a danger signal, just dump her and run as fast as you can!

Tell her that you can’t handle the crap anymore. Not in an angry tone but in a peaceful manner.

It is the best thing to do when you can’t do anything else.

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