If you are a growth-oriented person who wants to improve himself/herself on a continuous basis, it is important that you keep figuring out your growth from time to time. To walk on a path toward some aim requires you to give time to assess how far you have already traveled on that path. This drives you to move further with higher motivation and keeps turning you into a polished individual. When we talk about growth, it is not just limited to your personal growth but also extends to your professional, social, and spiritual growth. Check out how you can become a critical thinker and assess your growth from time to time.
Scale your career growth
Your profession is a core aspect of your life. Thus, it is critical to check your growth in this area so you may try to become more efficient and productive in future. To scale up in the hierarchy of your organization or to expand your business requires you to scale your career growth. See whether you have been able to achieve your goals and reach a place that you aspired for. Think whether you have made enough progress on your professional chart or you have been lagging behind your colleagues in terms of skill set and knowledge. Watch out for your weaker areas so you may start filling up gaps and achieve your future goals timely. Think about advancing your knowledge and mastering your skills. If you’re a project manager or involved in the tech field, a Graduate Certificate in Project Management will increase your level of competence. Take heed of the things that will help you grow in your career.
Rank your progress on personal growth
If you think you have been doing at least the required in terms of your professional growth, then assess your personal goals too. Make sure that you have attended to your personal needs and interests and have meanwhile grown as an individual. Check whether you have been able to take better decisions for your life or have not been up to the mark in terms of achieving your personal goals. For example, see whether you have been able to invest good time in pursuing your hobbies or attending to your family and friends. Try to be rational in your decisions, as your self-ranking will only help you to make improvement.
Assess the distance traveled over the past 5 years
If you want to rank your current growth effectively, then it is necessary for you to measure it against a previous point in your life. Review the person you used to be around five years back and see how far you have come. Ask yourself whether you wanted to be at the same position as you hold presently in your personal, professional or social life. If not, then try to find out ways through which you may become more effective in your personal and business relationships. If you feel you need to work on the quality of your life, then make yourself ready to spend more time on things that make you happier and satisfied. Similarly, join a skill course if you feel you have not been able to meet your professional targets due to lack of knowledge and skills in an area.
Analyze your personal growth without material consideration
When you evaluate your personal growth over the years, keep aside the materialistic considerations because these hardly contribute to your personal or spiritual growth. Instead, look at the way your personality has shaped over time. Consider whether you have been able to deliver quality service to the community through your efforts. Assess whether you have been able to maintain valuable and harmonious relationships with your family, friends, and dear ones.
Check your professional accomplishments
As you develop personally, you also need to develop professionally. Try to give time to think about your past accomplishments at work and figure out whether you have been able to remain persistent in order to achieve your goals. Start working on your growth plans now if you feel that you have not been able to strike the right chords.
Self-growth and development is a constant process of life. Thus, it is always required to keep assessing your accomplishments and shortcomings so you may grow toward a new you.