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How to deal with acne

Acne is a skin problem common in everybody. The oil glands in your skin causes over-secretion of sebum, this in turn results in acne breakouts. Stress, hormonal imbalance and improper diet are the factors influencing acne. If left untreated, they may lead to severe skin conditions. Read more to learn the steps to deal with acne.

Get a good sleep

Sleep has an indirect impact on acne breakouts. Sleep influences both your mind and body; its deprivation causes ultimate breakdown in your body’s performance. This leads to acne and other health disorders. People sleeping for 5 hours a night feel more refreshed and energetic, while individuals having more than 8 hours of sleep still feel restless and lazy. So, you must consider having a quality sleep than a quantity one. Experts have reported that lack of sleep leads to increased inflammation and insulin resistance thereby resulting in acne. A good sleep motivates you with a positive attitude thereby leading to a healthy body chemistry which in turn helps you in coping with acne. Sorry to say, the pessimistic attitude leaves you unhappy. Sleep acts as a stress reducer. A good sleep can do wonders to your skin.

Cleansing and exfoliating

Makeup and other impurities such as sweat, dust and dirt leave your skin with clogged pores. You must wash your face regularly or else they penetrate deep into the skin causing blackheads and pimples. You need to cleanse your face at least twice a day. Use noncomedogenic cleansers such as Cetaphil or Neutrogena Acne wash. Wash your face gently as over-washing may cause infecting whiteheads and blackheads leading to pimples.

Once you are done with washing, you need to exfoliate your skin to remove the dead layer. You can do so, using a scrub twice or thrice a week. Acne also makes their appearance in the regions below the neck. If you have a sensitive skin, just scrub it once a week. Too often exfoliating may result in the removal of healthy cells. A salt scrub increases the blood circulation and gives you a healthy skin.

Stick to a right diet

You need to reduce the intake of stimulant drinks such as chocolate, coffee and tea. Caffeine present in these drinks boosts the stress hormones thereby worsening the breakouts. It is difficult for your body to digest dairy and meat products and this undigested waste is discharged through the skin as acne. As an alternate to these foods, you can try nutritious recipes at home making use of fresh fruits and nuts. High intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates are also known to increase the insulin levels thereby causing the hormones to secrete excess sebum. This finally inspires the development of acne causing bacteria. Therefore, you need to substitute these foods with fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds. Drink lots of water to hydrate your skin and eliminate the internal toxins which causes breakouts. Dehydration leads to weak immune system and more acne.

Reduce stress

Stress is one of the main causes of acne. Stress influences the release of cortisol hormones that are responsible for acne. Exercise and relaxation techniques help you to relax and combat stress. Cardiovascular activities such as running or cycling benefit you from sweating. This makes your skin free from dirt and impurities. Don’t forget to have shower after the workout. Swimming opens up your skin pores thereby providing them a chance to breathe. Yoga helps in reducing stress, improving the blood circulation and having a clear skin.

Consult a dermatologist

People often consult a dermatologist to solve their skin ailments. Over-the-counter medications can be used in dealing with mild acne. Salicylic acid helps in opening the skin pores. Benzoyl peroxide restricts the growth of acne causing bacteria. If the acne is severe, you must seek the advice of a dermatologist. His prescriptions may include retinoids, contraceptive pills or antibiotics. In some cases, you may be advised to undergo a laser treatment which is expensive. In case, over-the-counter medications fail to heal acne; the doctor prescribes antibiotics. The antibiotics destroy the bacteria causing whiteheads. You must wear sunscreen when taking antibiotics as your skin becomes more sensitive to sun. Accutane is another pill that is helpful in people with acne scars.

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