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How to deal with emotional blackmail

How to deal with emotional blackmail

When people close to us make us do what they want, we often don’t understand that we have been a victim of emotional blackmailing. Slowly and steadily we drop away into a place where our decisions and even our behavior are controlled by them. Let us tak

deal with bad kids

How to deal with bad kids

How do we define someone to be bad or good? Well the answer is based on their behaviour and when we have to rate kids on this parameter, it all depends upon their upbringing, family culture and their lifestyle and friends. Here are the ways in which we ca

How to deal with late payments

Dealing with late payments could be really demanding. It is really hard to mane things when you are running short on money. However, if you could act smartly and have some patience all the while then you can get through the critical time very easily.

teach kids to deal with bullies

How to teach kids to deal with bullies

It is a fact that kids who are weak and do not know how to react are constant targets of bullies. Therefore, parents must be proactive and teach them to be self sufficient to deal with bullying in school. Here are a few things you can teach your kids.

Signs of Manipulative Behavior and How to Deal With it

Manipulators try to control all aspects of others’ lives. It is very important to identify and deal with such people to preserve your emotional and mental health. Read on to find out how to deal with a manipulator.

deal with upset customers

How to deal with upset customers

Just like the boss, customers too, are always right! Managing customers, whether happy or upset, is a part of your job. Handling not only satisfied but upset customers too, makes a big difference in your future success graph. Here are some helpful guideli

How to deal with emotional stress

Emotional stress can be caused by various triggers such as relationship failures, bad working conditions, demise of loved ones, accidents, etc., forcing people to take recourse to unhealthy coping techniques like binge drinking and taking drugs. Emotional

Emotion is a portion of human system

How to deal with emotional people

Emotion is a portion of human system. It is very normal to be emotional or sensitive about something or someone. However, the emotional quotient gets imbalanced sometimes and result in irrational effects on the person’s life and of others around him. Let

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