Life Quotes
To understand the real meaning of what others want to say to us, we must understand which ‘language game’ they are playing.
A Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi
According to the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, in our everyday life, we use language like a game. Like all other games, every ‘language game’ has its own rules. To understand the real meaning of what others, want to say to us, we must understand which ‘language game’ they are playing. For that, you need to read between the lines. For example, if someone makes a negative comment about you, it doesn’t mean they bear you any ill will or that they don’t like you. It means that they believe something else to be ideal, and you don’t match that ideal.
Quotes; “To understand the real meaning of what others want to say to us, we must understand which ‘language game’ they are playing.” – Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi