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How to deal with tragedy

One needs strength and courage to come out of a tragic situation. It could be the death of a loved one, an accident, a disease that has left you handicapped, a scary situation from which you have escaped unscathed; tragedy can be very disturbing, and so you must have some points ready to deal with them.

Thank God for your survival

Many people who face tragic situations and have escaped death, ultimately go on to value their lives and understand how God has been kind to them than some others who have lost their lives or have become dependent on others. Appreciate the fact that you have been saved. Thank the divine interference for the second life that has been given to you. This itself is a wonderful way to get over the situation slowly. It could probably be God’s way to assess your life and priorities. You could have been living a reckless life or have forgotten your duties to your family. Facing a tragic situation will help you mend your ways and look at life and relationships more seriously. Consider this as God’s own way of reminding you that life is short and you need to remain grounded and happy.

Contemplate silently on the event

Tragic situations like loss of family or a loved one can be extremely traumatizing. If the tragedy had involved you and you had escaped by some cruel joke of fate, the trauma can be even more difficult to deal with. Contemplate on the events that have led to the tragedy. Do not allow yourself to dwell on guilt and blame, if you have caused the tragedy. Things that were meant to be cannot be changed, and it is no use blaming yourself for that. Pointing a finger at yourself will only make matters worse and extent the grieving process indefinitely. Look forward towards life and look at the good things that have surrounded you. Learn to forget the past and face the future strongly and with optimism.

Appreciate the finer things in life

Sometimes tragedy can make you appreciate the little things in life which you have never realized before. Life is worth much more than what you assumed and it took a tragic situation for you to realize that. Appreciate nature, art, peace and tranquility and see life and soul in smaller things. This will give you tremendous peace of mind and help you cope with the situation. Learn to understand that life is short and death is a part of life. Only in your case, death could have come calling a little early and could have wiped away your family and friends. Probably you still have miles to tread and promises to keep. Learn to relax, enjoy life and make good friends that can instill positive attitudes and help you enjoy the finer and more subtle things in life.

Get past the tragedy

Grieving, desperation and contemplation are phases that one goes through when a tragedy happens in one’s life. But, there is a time frame when you have to be able to get past it and move on with life. Whilst some could get over it within weeks, there could be others who would linger inside a cocoon and take their own time to emerge out, which could be after months or years. Such people might require more support and care from friends and family. If you have such a person who has met with a great tragedy in life, ensure that you are there for that person to help him/her swim out of the trauma. Surround him with positive words of hope and encouragement, and hold his hands so that he does not stumble and fall while he takes the tough and rugged road to recovery. At times, the best support that you can offer to a person who is involved in a tragedy is to offer your presence, even if it is a silent. He/she will appreciate it more than anything else in life.

Seek counseling

Certain tragic happenings can be extremely heart wrenching that the person involved will lose his mind or will never recover. Counseling and guidance is required in such cases to help them accept the tragedy and move on in life. It could take years for such people to emerge from the tragedy and doing your bit by pitching in when he/she needs you can make a whole lot of difference in their lives. Counseling session along with treatment will make a great change in their lives and in some cases, it is near and dear ones who must understand the need for counseling and do the needful in helping these people.

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