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How to deal with toothache

No substitutes are available for dental hygiene and professional dental work to avoid the terrible suffering from toothache. However, there are many simple ways to eliminate the infection and swelling that accompanies toothache.

deal with your roommate

How to deal with your roommate

Dealing with different kinds of roommates makes you learn the way to deal with different kinds of people in society. Always remain positive and carry on the attitude of adjusting under all kinds of situation. You must consider hurdles of dealing with a

How to deal with flu

“Prevention is better than cure” applies to most illnesses but could be a tricky execution when it comes to influenza. As common cold and flu are viral diseases, you may contract them anywhere, possibly from people who don’t show symptoms of the disease

How to deal with a cut

A cut is a common occurrence and can affect any part of the body. Unless a vein is cut, the injury is fairly minor and there is no reason to panic. If a major vein (such as the one on your wrist) is cut, call 911. If there is excessive bleeding while wait

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