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How to deal with arguments

It is easy to go on the defensive while being in an argument and is something that must be watched out for. The presence of strife in any situation only works towards its worsening. Here we have given some pointers to deal with arguments in a mature and p

Verbal aggression is not an easy trait to deal with

How to deal with verbal aggression

Verbal aggression is not an easy trait to deal with. Things can go really bad when you have to live or deal with people who are verbally aggressive on an everyday basis. Treat the situation with finesse and maturity and you can surely find ways to deal wi

How to deal with gossip at work

It is in corporate environments that you normally see a lot of gossip mongers at work. They spoil relations, taint names and get ahead in the game. If you are particularly troubled by such people in office, here are some ways to tackle them.


How to deal with envious people

Though some of us would vouch that we have not been envious of others even once, it would be a blatant lie. If you are an achiever and have too many laurels in you cap, it’s likely that you meet many an envious colleague or a friend on a daily basis. H

deal with an angry customer

How to deal with an angry customer

Even if your company makes great products or provides great services, there is possibility that some instances might occur when a customer gets angry. It is important to learn how to handle an angry customer. If you can calm him down, you can retain him a

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