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How to deal with rage

Everyone of us has the right to get angry but that does not mean that you should let the anger dominate and turn it into a rage. Anger can hamper relationships, health, even lifestyle. Hence, there is an utter need to curb the activity for the peacefulness of mind and the overall growth of a body.

Better communication

An angry person tries to reach the conclusions very quickly and most of the times the conclusions are wrong as an enraged mind cannot visualize the consequences properly. The foremost thing to do if you are in an argument is to slow down and think through your responses. Don’t say the first thing that comes into your mind, but rather calm down and think twice about what you want to say. Also don’t give the deaf ears to the other person and take your time before replying back.

Remember heartbreak

It is very important to understand how painful it is to bear someone’s blasting rage. When a person is enraged, his mind suppresses and dominates the soft part of his heart.You believe that you have the right to blast down others, irrespective of their emotions, but that is not true. Nobody has the right to hurt others. Also remember when the heart breaks it does not make any noise, but it hurts the most.

Do they deserve my rage

It is necessary to understand that everyone of us has hidden and piled up emotions. You may feel that this is a very evident statement, but it is crucial to remember that when dealing with people who get easily angry, your reaction will matter the most. It is not fair to throw the full weight of that piled up rage at the person in front of you. Rage will never justify your actions. No matter how much you blast and punish them with full force, you will regret in the end.

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