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How to deal with a fever

Fever is a sudden reaction to a weakened immune system. Your body is trying to fight off an infection that is fast invading your system. There are many things that you can do to keep your fever under control and prevent instances like fits. However, in spite of these home remedies, if your fever does not go away or increases, seek medical attention immediately.

Cold compress

Most of us have an urge to pop up pills immediately after we are down with fever. Instead of this, you can try to reduce the temperature through natural means and retain your immune system without the intake of medications. Cold compress is one of the simplest methods that can be employed for reducing fever considerably within hours. This is also very essential if the temperature is particularly high. Take a bowl of ice cold water and dip a soft cotton towel into it. Wring it lightly and apply on the forehead and neck for bringing down the fever. For very high fever, you can use a bed sheet for dipping in cold water and the patient can be wrapped in the bed sheet from neck to toe. This is also an indication that things are going out of control and you must seek medical attention immediately, while trying to keep the temperature under control.

Drink plenty of water

When fever sets in, the body will be overheated and dehydration is a definite symptom associated with fever. This is why it is very essential to keep drinking plenty of cold liquids to cool the body. Avoid drinking cold water or other juices if you have fever associated with respiratory infections like cough, cold, sore throat, etc. Fruit juices like orange juice, grape fruit juice, etc., are particularly good for flushing out the toxins from the body and improving resistance with vitamin C. They also take care of the bacterial infections that are associated with the fever. Grape juice is good for removing the burning sensation associated with feverish conditions.

Natural methods to bring down fever

Straight from your home, natural remedies are easy to use and give almost the same result, if not better, when administered on time and when the fever is at its initial stage. Holy basil is a great anti bacterial agent that can remove bacterial and viral infections that cause fever, especially respiratory infections. Pluck 7-8 leaves of holy basil leaves and crush it. Add to two glasses of boiling water. Let it cool before you can add it to half a cup of warm milk, and a teaspoon of cardamom powder which too has many medicinal benefits including eradication of fever, and drink it 2-3 times a day. Holy basil is hot and is not recommended if the fever is very high. Another great remedy for fever is to boil one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with a cup of water until it becomes half a cup of water. Take this water twice daily to remove fever that is accompanied by cough, cold, etc. Saffron is another strong remedy for fever. Boil a tablespoon of saffron in half a cup of water. Take one teaspoon of this infusion every hour to bring down the severity of the fever and finally remove it completely. Last, but not the last, soak raisins overnight to make them soft and crush them. Strain the juice and add a teaspoon of lemon juice before taking it two times in the morning and evening.

Over the counter medications

Over the counter medications like ibuprofen and paracetamol can be taken to bring down the intensity of fever quickly. But, you must ensure that adequate gap is given while taking these medications and the dosage is right so as to avoid overdose. Care has to be taken while giving these medications to children as over usage can affect the liver and cause complications. Drink plenty of water while taking these medications to avoid the toxic side effects on the body.

Plenty of rest and medical attention

As your body is trying to recuperate from the fever, you need plenty of rest as well to get well soon. Ensure that you do not move around while you have fever. Get a good nap and take adequate rest from work and physical activities as well. This will help the body in replenishing the lost energy and getting back on track in no time. If the fever does not subside with adequate rest, natural treatment or with over the counter drugs in two days, you must get medical attention to rule out other serious ailments.

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