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Dealing with favoritism at workplace

Dealing with favoritism at workplace

There is no denying the fact that every professional has dealt with favoritism at his/her workplace at some point of his career. Favoritism is one of the ugliest truths about working in any organization, whether small or large. However, some simple strategies can help you deal with favoritism or to reduce its negative impact on your career.

  • Are you actually a victim


Many professionals feel victimized because of apparent favoritism in the office! But favoritism is not always the case behind overlooked employees. Some employees are overlooked either because they do not perform in accordance to the expected levels or because the one being favored actually performs better. So, before you judge and term yourself as victim, check if you are just an overlooked, underworked employee.


  • Communicate assertively


If you are a victim of favoritism, then the best way to deal with it is to confront the favoring boss. But make sure that you do it calmly and assertively. Don’t agitate the boss, do not accuse him as the person your boss favors is a reflection of his choice. Instead, ask for more opportunities, talk sweetly and assert that you as a professional could work better than others, without naming the favored person.

  • Don’t deter


Don’t deter or deteriorate your personality because of someone else. Make sure that you keep on working hard, care for your team and company. This will consequently fetch you higher returns in future.


  • Is the favoritism fair


Sometimes, a professional is favored because s/he is better at work than other professionals are. Nevertheless, there are occasions when workers are favored because they are too friendly with the boss or share common experiences. So, understand the reason behind this favoritism, if you want to deal with this in long term.


  • Maintain friendly relations

It is true that maintaining friendly relations with a favored employee is difficult, but you need to try to be friendly. This shall give you access to the reasons behind why the person is favored. Generally, it’s not the employee’s fault that he is favored, so stop treating him poorly.

  • Positivity is the key


We all face challenges at workplace, whether its favoritism or any other challenge. So, stay positive and calm in the face of crises. Otherwise, your performance will deteriorate and you will be an overlooked employee instead of an apparent victim of favoritism.


  • Try Human Resources


Yes, none of us wants to talk to the HR officer, but if nothing else works then this department might just be your savior.


  • Converse


It is difficult to communicate actively if you are constantly feeling victimized, but favoritism is a human tendency that reflects even at work. Therefore, try to communicate with your subordinates, teammates and juniors. Talk to others and consider telling your boss if the numbers are in your favor.


These techniques will surely help you rise above the favored ones at your workplace.

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