Atlas Shrugged – A Quick Guide And How It Applies To You Today

Atlas Shrugged - A Quick Guide And How It Applies To You Today

Atlas Shrugged – A Brief Outline

The name Atlas Shrugged comes from the Mythological character, Atlas who is said to hold up the weight of the world on his shoulders. The main characters of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, who collectively see themselves as powering industry and therefore powering the world, decide to stop what they are doing and go on strike. This strike forces the government to impose more control over the people and a takeover of all industries, almost turning the state into a dictatorship.

This article will explain the context of the book, how it relates to you and how we can use it to grow our skills and careers.

Looters And Moochers in Atlas Shrugged

In the book, Ayn Rand refers to 2 different types of people who come under the category of parasites. They are the looters and the moochers of the world.

The looters of the world are those who take what belongs to others by force or by a threat of force. In the book, Ayn Rand puts supporters of higher taxation, more government regulations and controls on business and corrupt officials. Looters confiscate what does not belong to them at the expense of those who have work hard for them.

Moochers are, according to Rand, just as destructive as looters. They take value from those producing it to give to those more needy or who are unable to earn it themselves. Moochers look down on those who create the value with jealousy and contempt, in turn damaging the productive by enabling their downfall.

Both these characteristics are highly damaging to society and the individual. Not only are they not productive, but they damage the richness and the progress of society.

This is the meaning behind the name, Atlas Shrugged. He no longer wants to carry the burden of the world if he is not being appreciated and his work is becoming harder with the passing of time. Rand suggests we pursue our own self interests without damaging those of others which means ‘…the exacting discipline of defining and pursuing one’s rational self-interest‘.

Whats Next?

The philosophy of objectivism describes mans purpose as; ‘the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute‘.

In his book Drive, Daniel Pink explains that productivity is one of the keys to happiness provided we have the motivation for it. To become highly motivated and productive individuals, we need to have 3 things: Autonomy (the ability to work at our own pace on projects of our own choosing), Mastery (the ability to develop our skills and perform at our highest level), and Purpose (working in the service of something larger than ourselves).

In todays society, with the aid of technology such as the internet and the flow of information and ideas so readily available to all, we all have the opportunity to become highly productive individuals who support and enable more growth.

This means that with the formula, Autonomy+Mastery+purpose=Motivation, we can focus our energy on one of the 3 main elements to ensure we create massive motivation for ourselves.

In the highly successful book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, John C. Maxwell provides us with the blueprint to reaching our full potential in 15 easy to follow steps. His research, spanning over 50 years gives you a plan for productivity and maximizing your potential, removing much if not all of your dependance on others and making you a contributor of value and productivity.

By pursuing a life of continual growth and personal development, we enable ourselves to reach our fullest potential, as well as giving others the same opportunity. Make yourself the Atlas of your own world and take control of your future.

Further reading on Growth and Personal Development

atlas shrugged

The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential – John C. Maxwell

This book provides you with tried and tested principles that help a person grow.
atlas shrugged

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us – Daniel H. Pink
atlas shrugged

Atlas Shrugged – Ayn Rand


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