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Major factor in important decisions

We all love to dominate in one way or the other. With the rise in power, the responsibilities also rise. Although there is no specific definition for this trait, some people call it the quality of an individual or a group of people. Power can easily make and break an individual. The same applies to a nation and a country. Power is the ability and tenacity of a body to take control of any environment. Powerful people always dictate terms to weaker people and this has been constantly going on since time immemorial.  A normal person will looks towards a powerful individual as a leader and tries to follow his path. The history has always witnessed that powerful people are responsible for all the major decisions ever taken. This can be explained more clearly with an example. United States is undoubtedly the most powerful country in the world and the president is the most powerful individual. The president of the country though holds the most power, but has to ensure that the utilization of power is done for the betterment of the people. There have been many people in the history that made the ill use of their powers by hurting others. So, one must ensure that any kind of power must only be used in the betterment of humanity. In this modern era, some obligations have restricted the powers of everyone. People have a very different awareness regarding power. Most of the powerful nations in this world work for the well-being of humanity and take all the steps to make them feel better. You cannot rise to power in a day or two. You must a good leader, a good listener and a great decision taker to be a powerful human being.

People and Power

Irrespective of the religious beliefs of people, the human race is the most powerful entity in the universe. The laws that govern a nation is also made by humans. People who have power have to be very responsible in decision-making as a single wrong judgment might affect the life of a person. Money is also a deciding factor in power. Huge moneymakers have immense power but their power is limited to certain areas. For example, an owner of a large organization may have ominous power over his employees but will be a normal person if restrained by government. Every powerful person is binded by some restrictions. This has been the main reason why we are living in a civilized world today. Uncontrolled power might harm people and this has been quite evident in the history. Massacres and atrocities are the result of wrong use of power. If used in an uncontrolled manner, it may get out if hand and result into adverse circumstances.

Motivating factor

Many people see power as a motivating factor in their life. However, if you dig deeply, you will come to know that the actual power is the result of high levels of motivations. Some people rise to power instantly while others go through a series of path breaking journeys to attain it. Whatever the path may be, the result always dominates. Great leaders have the power of public. They did not harness any weapons to attain power. Their good thinking and clean instincts made them powerful persons. These people always worked for the betterment of society and people. A constant fanaticism to be in power might churn out to be harmful for an individual. So, always remember to use in the right ways and for the right cause. Religious people believe that God hold the major power in the universe. These type of people are always against capitalist or socialist power as they believe firmly in god. Power attained through democracy is the best form of power as the majority of population governs it.  Individuals can take the lessons from the past on how to be a powerful human being. Some great believers and thinkers have said that you do not have to possess money and weapons to be in power. It is a feeling that generates from the inner side. People who are followed even today have used their power for the right cause. Power can change the whole scenario of a nation and bring them to prosperity. Stereotypes and orthodox people use their power in suppressing weaker sections of the society. Many countries live on radical obligations and use force against women. This is the misuse of power since it harms people. Power can also be differentiated as physical, mental, social and political power.  However, the best form of power is the mental power as it lightens up the zeal inside you to outclass in your field. Mental strength helps you to overcome the hurdles of life and fulfill your life with happiness. Sometimes, you tend to lose a lot of things while gaining power so always respect your power and use it in the right direction to serve the people.

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