Every place has some values associated with it. If your values don’t match those of the people living in your city or town, you might eventually feel helpless and inadequate.
A Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi
The world is an extremely vast place. People live differently in Japan than they do in India or America. Customs are different everywhere, and although some of these rigid customs might hinder the personal development of an individual, there are a lot of others that might prove instrumental in our self-discovery. That is why, if you are a seeker, you must travel as much as you can. This would help in discovering a world that lies way beyond your personal prejudices, and where the qualities that you possess as a human might be better valued than they are in your current surroundings.
Quotes; “Every place has some values associated with it. If your values don’t match those of the people living in your city or town, you might eventually feel helpless and inadequate.” – Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi