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Students get angry due to multiple reasons

How to deal with angry students

Students get angry due to multiple reasons. How to tackle them becomes the primary question then. Tackling angry students can be done through various systematic methods which are explained below.

How to deal with an abusive boss

An abusive boss can turn your life into a living hell at your workplace. However, if you keep some simple things in mind, you can deal with the problems in a better way.


How to deal with mother’s death

A mother is someone whom you look up to for everything in life. She is the one who has cared, supported, protected, and nurtured you to make you who you are today. Though there is nothing that can make up for the loss of your mother, it is important that

How to deal with feelings

Thinking and feeling are two functions of our mind that guide our lives. While the thought processes are in our conscious control, feelings appear to be uncontrollable; if not handled properly they can cause us serious consequences. Here are some tips on

How to deal with kids

How to deal with kids

Kids are new to this world, therefore, they require constant dealing to teach them morals and values and to help them develop physically and emotionally. So, as a parent you must check out these ways to deal with your kids and their needs.

How to deal with toddler tantrums

How to deal with toddler tantrums

Most parents have to go through toddler tantrums which is often a cause of embarrassment in public. Though, you can save yourself from such embarrassment if you know how to deal with toddler tantrums the right way. Here are some tips on how to deal with t


How to deal with unreasonable people

Some people are often unhappy, gossip a lot and complain too. They are not happy and won’t let others live happily. It gets too difficult at times to deal with this kind of unreasonable people. Read on to know what we can do to change them.

How to deal with a jealous friend

How to deal with a jealous friend

Jealousy can ruin relationships and spoil the life of the jealous person as well. Though friends are meant to support you through thick and thin, it is not unusual that you would meet friends who are sometimes jealous of your achievements and personality.

How to deal with discouragement

Life is full of ups and downs. We get discouraged by failure, letting down by people we trust and undeserved criticism, and even opposition put in our path. We get everything we want, yet the feeling of discouragement lingers on. Not only adults, the chil


How to deal with dumb people

It is not often that you meet dumb people who create great frustration and waste of time, whether it is at work or in personal relationships. Dealing with such people is a challenge, especially if you want to avoid getting into trouble. Here are some ways

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