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How to deal with an abusive boss

An abusive boss can turn your life into a living hell at your workplace. However, if you keep some simple things in mind, you can deal with the problems in a better way.

Don’t avoid it

When it comes to dealing with an abusive and bullying boss, most of the people choose to stay silent as they do not want to risk their jobs. However, they don’t have the right to bully you just because they hold a superior position and are an authority figure in your workplace. As a first step, just try to talk with them about it. It may happen that they are just stressed out and taking out their frustration on you without being aware of their inappropriate behavior. Tell them politely that their constant abuse bothers you and you can’t work effectively under such conditions. There is no reason to feel embarrassed in bringing this matter to their attention. In the worst case scenario, they can fire you for which you always have the legal option with you, i.e., you can sue them in the court of law for wrongful firing.

Identify the specific problem

Next, you must try to identify the specific problem behind your boss’s abusive behavior. You just have to make sure that it isn’t related with the way you are working. If you find out that your boss is not happy with your work performance or with the way you are working, try to produce even better results. But, this does not mean that your boss gets the right to be abusive, however, you even need to understand that they are already working under extreme work pressure and poor performance of the employees is making the situation even more difficult for them. Their abusive nature may be a result of the frustration. In resolving the conflicts with your boss, identifying where the problem lies is essential. Discuss with your boss about the areas in which he/she expects improvement from your side and then try to act accordingly. Also, bring it to their notice that their constant abusing and bullying only brings you down instead of motivating.

Avoid arguments

Although it is very important to take a stand against the wrong which is being done with you, but at the same time you also have to prevent yourself from getting into an argument because this makes dealing with difficult people even more troublesome. For instance, if your boss asks you to do something you disagree with, instead of getting into an argument it will be much better to maintain a silence and simply avoid doing it. Do not feel obliged to tell your boss why he/she is wrong in case your boss is encouraging you to do something wrong. One of the common characteristic of dominating people is that they cannot tolerate if someone criticizes them for wrong doing. In fact, in response to this criticism, they will become even more aggressive. Instead, it will be much appropriate if you just continue doing the right thing. For instance, you don’t need to speak badly of your colleagues even if your boss encourages you to do so. In such situations, simply don’t follow their bad advice rather than arguing directly with them.

Leave work at work

Dealing with an abusive boss is quite difficult, however, the situations become even more troublesome when the problems associated with your professional life start affecting your personal life. You have to completely switch from work as soon as you reach your home. Also, when you are spending your evenings and weekends with your family, avoid thinking about the problems which you are facing at your workplace. One of the most effective ways of separating professional life from personal life is developing a social life that involves people who are not your colleagues.

Know when it’s too much

You should report them immediately if you find their behavior is getting out of control, but at the same time you also have to make sure that making this a personal issue is not going to help because it is their problem, not yours. Make complaints to their boss and to the human resources. Talk with your colleagues about the problems which you are facing and try to find out if they are also experiencing the same. However, if you have tried everything possible and still you feel miserable at your workplace, you can consider looking for a new job. Although moving on to a new job is not going to be easy and it may also happen that you have to face the same problems again at your new workplace, but if there is nothing that you can do to improve the situations at your present workplace, it’s better to move on.

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