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How to deal with staff


When you are working for a company or you own a company, there would be people working with you always. These are the people who are your staff and help in the smooth working of your enterprise. They are people with different moods, likes, dislikes and behaviors and hence dealing with them is an art.

Always be a good listener

Your staff will always have something to say about. It can be ranging from the kind of work they do to the coffee machines. For you the main task is to listen to them carefully. Listen to what they are trying to say and then analyze if that is correct or not. Do not have pre conceived notions in your mind, that what they will say is always going to be a complaint. They might be suggesting some improvements as well.

Be a balanced person

It is not wise enough to always keep shouting at your staff and just show anger on everyone. You may feel that this will keep a check on them but this does not help at all. Instead they would get irritated and would think about leaving you. Instead be a balanced self. Show your strictness where it is required and be their friend where it is required. This will always keep your staff happy and they would feel secured.

Always use communication

Some staff members might be the pesky kinds while some may be dormant and may not react to any situation. Some are always the angry and fussy types and some may just want to butter you to get their things done. Dealing with such people can be done through tactful communication. Make it clear to your staff through a meeting or a one on one that you want them to talk to you and hence you know each one well. Then you can deal with each one as per their behaviors and hence help the organization in the long run.

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