Depression and feelings of being stuck always prove to be harmful for a person suffering from it. One should therefore deal with such people with extra care, precaution, love and affection.
Have patience
One should always understand that people suffering from manic depression are to be dealt with extreme patience. Never be rude to such people whenever things go out of control, otherwise this could really prove harmful to the patient. Yes, dealing with them is sometimes too difficult but your patience would always prove helpful and bear good results. Such patients do not have a proper control of mind and this should be understood at the very beginning. They might get angry, rude and become too stubborn. Do not worry, always try to be polite and show patience. Once you show patience towards them, it can really calm them down and prove to be a healing touch in future.
Deal with love, affection and concern
While dealing with a manic depressive patient at home, affection, care and love forms the most important step for cure. Such patients need to be adored at all times so that they do not feel dejected, ignored and unwanted. People dealing with such patients must understand that they should always be felt special and very important to the entire family. Respect them, show your concern and listen to what they have to say. While you show concern and willingness to accept them and their feelings, they feel honored and respected. This can definitely bring a good change in their behavior and the way they start recovering from the depression. Just deal with them as you would deal with a small kid. Always remember they are going through a bad time and need your support to come out of that misery and pain. Support them all the time and never let them down.
Boost their confidence and support them
Manic depression turns the patient into a person with dejected feeling and reduces confidence. While dealing with them, one needs to ensure that this feeling is first dealt with properly and the patient is assured of positive results and harmony in life. Keeping such patients happy in such circumstances is really important. Boosting their confidence is equally important as it would help them recover fast. The feeling of dejection and aloofness would also start diminishing fast. Your support and support of the entire family would also play an equal and important role while dealing with the decreased confidence level in such patients. These patients should always be listened to and welcomed. Their thoughts and suggestions should also be considered, as this would make them understand their importance in the family.
Protect them from any harming or suicidal behavior
While in manic depression, most of the times the patient feels like committing suicide as living a dull and frustrated life becomes burden for them. Therefore, it is the duty of everyone present in the family to keep such patients away from everything that they might use to harm themselves or even commit suicide. Such patients should always be encouraged to live a happy, healthy and prosperous life. Counseling by family members would prove to be very important and help in refraining the patients from unusual and unnecessary thoughts. Show them the beautiful faces of life and all the wonderful things life has to offer. This would give them a reason to live with harmony and happiness.
Proper medication and consultation
A person suffering from manic depression needs professional advice and consultation at every stage of such illness. While such patients show a change in their behavior at very possible instance, they might refuse to seek any professional help in this regard. Family members have to play the most important role here. They can definitely not force such patients to seek medical advice, as it would only worsen the matter and increase his sufferings. Family members however need to deal with the patient with utmost care, patience and understanding. With a polite and caring tone, the patient needs to be made understood the importance of expert and professional advice to deal with the syndrome effectively. In the meantime, one should never lose his cool and shout on the patient. More patience you show, more understanding the patient would be.